Студопедия — Discussion. 1. A.What products do you think these slogans were used for?
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Discussion. 1. A.What products do you think these slogans were used for?

1. A. What products do you think these slogans were used for? Choose from this list: 1) cars, 2) cream cakes, 3) toilet paper, 4) diamond, 5) engagement rings, 6) washing powder, 7) camping holidays, 8) carpets.

a. Naughty but nice.

b. Longer and softer than ever before.

c. Persil washes whiter.

d. Vorsprung durch Technik

e. The best sights and the best sites.

f. Lifts the spirit. Comforts the soul.

g. Works of art you can walk on.

h. How else could a month’s salary last a lifetime?

B. Do any of these slogans strike you as:

a. clever?

b. ridiculous?

c. meaningless?

2. Are there any particular advertisements, on radio, television or in newspapers or magazines, which you particularly dislike? Are there any which you particularly like? Why?

3. Look at the list of copywriter’s guidelines for writing an advertisement. Briefly note what you think the reason for each particular guideline is. The first one has been done for you.

a. Don’t exaggerate or get hysterical. Be truthful and reasonable.


You must be credible. If people suspect you are lying, they won’t buy.

b. Avoid long words. Stick to short Anglo-Saxon words where possible, rather than Greek or Latin words.

c. Be colloquial. Use the word you.

d. Be wary of adjectives like exciting, amazing, incredible.

e. Be positive. Avoid negative statements or questions such as Why not try one?

f. Keep to the present tense. Look how it will brighten your home becomes Look how it brightens your home.

g. Make sure there is a contrast in pace by varying the lengths of these sentences.

h. Each sentence or paragraph should flow naturally into the next.

4. Think of a product you all buy regularly, such as an item of confectionery, a magazine, etc. Decide how effective the marketing mix for your selected product is by discussing these questions.

q Does the product meet the requirements of the customers for whom it is intended?

q Is the price right?

q Can consumers get it when and where they want it?

q Is it well advertised?

5. Think of some consumer products you have bought recently, such as an item of clothing, a CD, electrical equipment, etc. Which of the factors in the list below influenced your choice? Can you add any other factors to the list?

q brand name

q brand loyalty (you had bought the same brand before)

q a friend’s recommendation

q pressure from your peer group

q advertising

q price

q accompanying special offers or gifts

6. Work with a partner. Together choose one of the following prompt cards and discuss the topic, using the three suggestions to help you. Make notes of your ideas.

What do you feel makes a good advertisement?

q concept

q medium

q approach

How far do you agree that TV advertisements are better than the actual programmes?

q originality and creativity

q words and music

q settings and locations

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising for:

a) the consumer?

b) the manufacturer or producer?


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