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Dear students!



The Department of Criminal Law

International scientific conference

For students and postgraduates


May 16-17th, 2014, Kharkiv

Dear students!

We would like to invite you to take part in the International scientific conference for students and postgraduates «The fourth Kharkiv legal reading on Criminal Law», which will take place in Kharkiv, on May 16-17h, 2014, at the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”.

The aim of the conference is to discuss various ranges of legal issues of Criminal Law, related to the General and Special Parts of criminal legislation; Criminal Law Theory and its application; History of The Criminal Law development; national Criminal Law and international Criminal Law.

Terms of participation:

Applicants must send the following documents no later than March 07, 2014 (inclusively):

conference application form (see an example below);

edited article (see the formatting requirements and example below);

certified reference given by a scientific advisor or by the department, which proves that the article was written by the author independently.

Please note that the deadline for applications can not be extended even for one day. We will publish the collection of thesis before the beginning of the conference.


There are two ways to send indicated documents:

1) submit directly to the department of Criminal Law (room 10, main building of the Yaroslav-the-Wise National Law University, 77 Pushkinskaya Street, Kharkiv). In this case, articles and accompanying documents must be printed on paper and saved on an electronic carrier (USB flash memory card or CD-R);

2) send them to the following e-mail addresses [email protected] (certified reference of a scientific advisor or certified reference of the department must be scanned). You will be notified by a message to your e-mail when the documents are received.

Contacts: +380939221844 Kate Novikova

Financial issues:

There is no registration fee for participation in the conference. Costs associated with participation in the conference will not be reimbursed by university


Registration will start on May 16th, 2014, at 9 am, at the main building of the university. Address: Kharkiv, 77 Pushkinskaya Street.

The conference will take place on May 16th, 2014, from 10 am till 5 pm and on May 17th, 2014, from 9 am till 5 pm.

Manuscript requirements:

ü Language – Ukrainian, Russian, English;

ü text must be written in Microsoft Word for Windows;

ü size of article is up to 4 000 chars including spacebar (article should be a maximum of 2,5 A4 pages in length);

ü margins: top and bottom – 2,0 cm; left – 3,0 cm; right – 1,0 cm;

ü the reference to the information source is not required;

ü font – Times New Roman № 14, line spacing – 1,5;

ü the first line is surname, name, patronymic name (boldface font);

ü the second line (in case of need – the third line) – academic year, faculty/ department, university (usual font);

ü the fourth line is the title of the article typed in capital letters, center-aligned (boldface font);

ü Information about a scientific advisor should be mentioned at the end: surname, name, patronymic name, scientific degree, position (italic type).

The article will not be accepted if it:

1) doesn’t related to Criminal Law;

2) contains plagiarism;

3) doesn’t meet the requirements mentioned above;

4) was sent beyond the stated deadline.

The organizing committee reserves the right to edit and decline articles, if they don’t meet the requirements of an international scientific conference.


Example of an article:

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Concepts of anxiety and fear | 

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 375. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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