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Erasmus Mundus – Action 2

Academic year 2014/2015



Mobility Report

[Cohort 2]



Name: Bolatova Bakhyt



Bolatova Bakhyt, from New Economic University in Kazakhstan, 22 years old and passport number N07500743 was granted by the Erasmus Mundus CANEM / CANEM2 Project from 23/09/2014 until 02/08/2015 in the University Banking Institute / College of Banking for undergraduate studies during the academic year 2014/2015.   Name of the studies at your Host University: Bachelor’s Degree in Banking Management Tutor on location in Host University:   Name: Karina Surname: Benetti Department:Erasmus Coordinator



2.1 Courses: I (winter) semester 2014: Information systems in Domestic market of EU Financial analysis Investment banking Fundamentals of marketing II (summer) semester 2015: Introdaction to commercial law Exchange dealing Payment and clearing systems Regulation and supervision of financial markets Credit transactions
2.2 Academic content:   Academic content was good and interesting, i got a lot of knowledges about banking system, banking management. Also during the study I stuied Czech language courses outside of univesity, which helped to learn Czech culture and life, to join Czech students and to understand the way of thinking of Czech people. The study program was purposeful and very good organised concerning applying in the practise the knowledge we gained. Erasmus Mundus helped me to develop academically and to get an important experience in banking studies.
2.3 Research lines worked: (Please indicate if you had any connection with a Research Group) – only for PhD and Post-Doc students    
2.4 Articles and /or studies (working or in which you have participated) – only for, Masters, PhD and Post-Doc students:  
2.5 Additional work developed:   During the study students made a lot of presentations in my cources and of cource about student home country’s, about their economic, banking and payment system spheres, through these presentations we learned a lot about banking system of different countries. By comparing the differences between the banking system of the countries I learned the most of problems and ways of improvement. It gave me a lot of knowledge and I was also able to share my knowledge with other students.  
2.6 Methodology of the training:   The methodology of the training was very interesting. Students studied at the presentations which were well prepared, it made students clearly understand all the details. Professors were good educated in explaying the most important subjects. Most of the topics were studied with the help of presentations, but we were handing out materials and books as well. Once within the Payment system courses our professor invited her friend and consultant from Visa Europe Czech Republic with interesting presentation about Visa payment system and Visa payment cards. I learned more interesting things and I got knowledge about Visa payment system and payment cards which could be very useful in my future career.  
3. PERSONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP (content, program, technical management of the scholarship... etc..)
  I was granted the scholarship by the Erasmus Mundus Canem project. I received a grant of a total amount of 1000 Euro per month for 10 months to be paid on a monthly basis during the mobility period.   Mostly, I have spent my scholarship for the accommodation and living expenses. I lived in dormitories of Koleje Hvezda in Prague. Also, a significant part of scholarship was spent on food, books to learn the Czech language, transport, internet and telephone communications. Also with the help of a scholarship I was able to visit some European countries, next to the Prague. I am so thankful to that I had a chance to enjoy spending time during my holidays.
I am very thankful to this program, because, she gave me a lot of international experience, European knowledge, a big opportunities. This program helped me improve my knowledge in banking sphere, helped to see the world.   I got important experience and all this knowledge and experience, which I got in Europe I need in my future life. It was an unforgettable year of my life as an exchange student, it was the happiest moments of my life.  
6. OTHER COMMENTS (recommendations for program improvement... etc..)
  Program Erasmus Mundus is the best. It can only improve in the best side to help students from around the world to improve their knowledge, English and find new friends from different countries. By this program, students have the opportunity to show themselves, to spend a good time with students from different countries and just enjoy student life. So I want to say good luck for future Erasmus students)  




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