Студопедия — Advertising media
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Advertising media

There is a huge variety of media available through which a business can conduct an advertising campaign. Media is a vehicle that carries the advertiser’s message to target audience. It is a means through which an advertising message is passed on to the prospects. It refers to such communication channels through which message moves from sender to receiver. A “medium” may be defined as a means by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred. This deliberately broad definition means that consumer media would cover everything from handbills passed out in parking lots to “For Sale” signs taped, to the ten-page advertising supplement of the newspaper you read. For achieving advertising objectives, selection of right kind of media is important – it should reach the right people, at the right time, at right place and convey the right message. Media help fulfill two basic needs – they inform and they entertain. Advertising media professionals are interested in looking at the media as a means of conveying a specific kind of information – an advertising message – about a product or service to consumers. Major media types generally include newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, outdoor media, and Internet. Media planning is the process of choosing the best media vehicles – specific media within each general media type – to reach the target audience and achieve the message objectives. This means deciding which media vehicle to use, when to use the media vehicle, and where to use the media vehicle. Each type of media has characteristics that should be analyzed before a choice is made – the cost, reach, frequency, lead time, and fit of each format must be considered to determine the best choice. Planning decisions include audience selection, how frequent the exposure should be, when and where people in the target market are most likely to be exposed to the communication. Media vehicle is driven by market coverage, which is the extent to which a given media vehicle reaches the target audience. For example, local newspapers, radio stations, billboards, and direct mail campaigns are cost-effective when they target a population that lives in a specific region, whereas national newspapers, TV, and online are better for nationwide campaigns. Often, a media plan requires multiple media to achieve the advertiser’s goals. Thereby the media schedule outlining the media which will be most effective to attain the advertising objectives is created. Thus, the role of the planner is to decide where and when the message should be placed, how often, and at what cost. The plan is then implemented by the media buyer, who negotiates with the media providers themselves to agree on the space and time needed and to determine or confirm where the ad will appear. Throughout this process, the researcher tries to offer insights into how and why the media impact the consumer’s brand decisions.                            


Exercise A. Answer the questions.

  1. What is advertising media?
  2. What are the main types of the media?
  3. What is the role of media planner?
  4. What questions should be answered in advertising media planning?

Exercise B. Find synonyms in the text:

  1. company (lines 1-5)
  2. cumulative audience (lines 15-20)
  3. message (lines 20-25)


Exercise C. Find English equivalents in the text.

  1. передавать (lines 1-5)
  2. раздавать (lines 5-10)
  3. совокупная аудитория (lines 15-20)
  4. среднее число раз, которое человек из целевой аудитории столкнется с рекламным объявлением за период времени (lines 15-20)
  5. показ (lines 20-25)
  6. выбирать в качестве целевой аудитории (25-30)
  7. график размещения рекламы (25-30)
  8. понимание (lines 30-35)

Exercise D. Find words and constructions with the same meaning in the text.

  1. Potential customer or client qualified on the basis or his or her buying authority, financial capacity, and willingness to buy. (lines 1-5)
  2. Separately printed special advertisement section enclosed with a newspaper. (lines 5-10)
  3. Clear and specific aim of an advertising or commercial, such as to compare, to gain attention, to inform, to persuade, or to remind. (lines 5-10)
  4. Giving good value when compared with the original cost. (lines 25-30)


Exercise E. Match the terms with the definitions.

1. media schedule a. Specific print or electronic medium employed in an advertising campaign.  
2. advertising exposure b. The size of the audience reached by an advertising campaign. Media weight is determined by the number of television commercials, online ads, billboards, etc.  
3. media vehicle c. Advertising outlets that do not fall under the standard definitions of broadcast, electronic, outdoor, print, and transit media. These include fliers, handouts, supermarket video displays, and yellow pages.  
4. media weight d. Program or plan that identifies the media channels used in an advertising campaign, and specifies insertion or broadcast dates, positions, and duration of the messages.  
5. alternative media e. Degree to which an audience (readers, listeners, viewers, visitors to a website) is in receipt of a promotional message.  


Exercise F. Read information about outdoor advertising. Write out all the media vehicles mentioned.

Outdoor advertising, or out-of-home (OOH) advertising can really grab your attention or get in your face. Advertisers have a wide choice of poster sites, sizes and formats from 4 sheets to 96 sheets.

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