Студопедия — Human resources manager, deadlines, to work on your own initiative, to multi-task, a proven track record, resources, vacancies, position, bodies, recruitment agencies.
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Human resources manager, deadlines, to work on your own initiative, to multi-task, a proven track record, resources, vacancies, position, bodies, recruitment agencies.

1. someone who employs people for a firm, also known as a personnel manager

2. the dates or times when certain tasks must be completed

3. to make decisions about your work without having to wait for someone else to help you

4. to do more than one piece of work at a time

5. evidence you've been successful in the past in your area of work

6. things and people which can provide useful information

7. jobs that no-one is doing that someone is needed to do

8. job, post

9. organisations

10. companies which have details of jobs and details of the people who might want them


III. The following text gives some suggestions which you might find helpful. But the sentences are not complete. Test your knowledge of the language of jobs by choosing the correct noun to fill the gaps.

Most jobs are advertised as current (position, application, vacancies). They appear in the local and national (press, bodies, resource), trade (contacts, journals, resource), and specialist career publications. In addition, many professional (bodies, contacts, agency) offer an appointments service which can help job seekers find a suitable (position, application, vacancies) in a particular (industry, ladder schemes). Recruitment (bodies, contacts, agencies) hold details of a wide range of vacancies, and possibly local training (industry, ladder, schemes). The Internet is a valuable (press, journals, resource) not only for vacancies but to find background information on companies. Approximately one third of jobs are never advertised, but may be found by approaching a company directly. This is called a speculative (position, application, vacancies), and is common among students starting at the bottom of the career (industry, ladder, schemes). Finally, don't forget to use your personal (bodies, contacts, agencies)!

BBC Learning English. http://www.bbc.co.uk


Study the information about the Future Simple Tense in Appendix for self-study.

1. Listen about stylistic difference between “I shall” and “I will” in the Future Simple Tense from BBC Learning English and write down examples.

2. Listen to the audio file from BBC Learning English once more.

3. Tell what the audio file is about.

4. Listen about difference in meaning between “will” and “going to” from BBC Learning English and write down examples; discuss the examples with your partner.

5. Listen to the audio file from BBC Learning English once more.

6. Tell what the audio file is about



I. Compose a ten sentences story about your plans for the future using the Future Simple and “going to”. Present it to the group.


II. Group discussion. What are the main steps in making a career? The role of the Internet in career prospects.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 746. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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