Студопедия — Read the description of a local meeting and put the paragraph headings in the correct place.
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Read the description of a local meeting and put the paragraph headings in the correct place.

a) Cleaning the park.

b) St James Street

c) This summer

d) Graffiti on the walls

e) Endangered species in Colthorne

f) Rubbish collection


  COLTHORNE HOUSING GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING Date: 27/07/07 Attendance: Sheila Gray (Chair), Ali Shahid, Peter Cross, Stephanie Leblanc, Howard Wilkins, Krzysztof Wielinski, Hilary Manning.   0__ f __ Rubbish is not collected on Mondays. The council promised Mondays and every Monday morning people leave their rubbish outside the house. Last week the rubbish was not collected until Wednesday. A letter of complaint to the council was prepared. 1_____ Many people are unhappy with the ‘artwork’ of some teenagers in Colthorne. Peter suggested asking the school to get teenagers to repaint the worst places. Krzysztof thought this was a bad idea. It was decided to ask the police to visit the schools to talk to students and Ali will increase the prices of spray paint in his shop. 2_____ Sheila gave a report. She described the place as scruffy and not well-kept. There is graffiti and people have been dumping rubbish there. It is not a safe place for children to play. Also the trees are dying. It was decided to talk to the police and also to organise a clean-up group. Next week there is a meeting of the Parents Association and Hilary will ask for their help. 3_____ Many people are worried about temperatures this year. They are afraid there will be a drought again. It was decided to prepare a brochure for families and old people. The brochure will tell people how to be careful in hot weather. The council decided that people will not be able to wash their cars between June and September. 4_____ The place is now derelict. The houses have been empty for three years and the area is becoming a wasteland. The council have only just decided to make a plan. People dump their rubbish there and there are lots of examples of graffiti. A letter of complaint to the council was prepared and Hilary will meet with the council next week and ask for a quick decision on the area. 5_____ David said that he hasn’t seen any foxes this year. There also haven’t been any squirrels. The Housing Group think it is because of all the rubbish and the hot weather this year. There is nowhere clean for animals to live in Colthorne. It was decided to organise an Animal Group for children and next month the Group will go looking for foxes and squirrels. The Group will also think about how to make Colthorne a better place for animals.
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5 Listen to the dialogue and correct the sentences.

Track 4

0 People get their idea of Interpol from TV.

People get their idea of Interpol from books and films.

1 Interpol was first created in Monaco.


2 Interpol is now based in Paris.


3 It is the second biggest organisation after UNICEF.


4 Interpol manages databases with, for example, names, photos and addresses of criminals.


5 There are now 80 countries which are members of Interpol.



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TOTAL   / 35


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Complete the text by putting the sentences (a-g) in the correct place. a) They think it also helps you to be more successful in meetings and negotiations. | 

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