Студопедия — Exercise 22. Fill in the gaps using the parts of sentences given below.
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Exercise 22. Fill in the gaps using the parts of sentences given below.

1. Some well-endowed universities such as USC offer merit based scholarships for undergrad studies to international students ….

2. Graduate programs dig deeper and make it possible for students to choose between Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees and the opportunity….

3. Unsurprisingly, … top class training, exposure, influential contacts and nearly always a push to recognition.

4. If the prospect of a truly interdisciplinary experience appeals to you in addition to … both in student body representation and in the rare opportunity to conduct creative work and research practically anywhere on the globe then UCLA’s school of TFT is tailor-made for you.

5. International students may also …, which usually require a co-signer who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

6. Depending on your personal strengths and your preference for an exclusive or multidisciplinary approach, the list of top ranking film schools ….

7. Coming through as a well-educated, determined, imaginative and creative person can ….

8. No matter how high up your film school is in the rankings, one piece of advice often given to students of film and digital media is to not rest on the laurels ….

9. Although … at any of the leading US universities is about USD 38,000 – 40,000, what you pay for can be a difference.

10. The BLS predicted that producers and directors would ….

11. If the reputation for having probably the largest number of its graduates in the industry…, it would make USC come out on tops.

12. Some top schools place the MA and MFA programs close together, so that ….

13. It is advisable to develop a plan to … scholarships exclusive to your school.

14. Students can “taste” the field by taking on internships with film companies or ….


A. getting into the top schools is tough and expensive but the rewards just as sweet in terms of

B. trying their hand at working for graduate student films

C. of having a top-notch degree under your belt but to be prepared to “hustle”

D. in which case admission runs concurrently with the financial aid process

E. a deeply rooted commitment to global diversity

F. carries weight for you

G. can be redrawn to better suit your individual interest

H. see an 11% employment growth rate

I. students have ready access to the experience of their counterparts

J. the average tuition fee for a year at film school

K. to enrol for research heavy PhD programs

L. cover the cost of tuition, fees and living expenses for the entire length of your program and always keep a look out for

M. be eligible for loans through private lending sources

N. heavily tilt the scales in your favour

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 580. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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