Студопедия — Part 1. The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition
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Part 1. The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition

1. Many years ago explorers wanted …

a. to sail by sea from Europe to America.

b. to find a way by sea from Europe to China.

c. to fly by air from Europe to China.


2. In 1845 John Franklin left England with a hundred and …

a. four men to look for the route through the Arctic.

b. thirty four men to look for the route through the Arctic.

c. forty four men to look for the route through the Arctic.


3. Franklin ships …

a. had enough supply for three years

b. had been sailing in the Arctic three years long.

c. had everything they needed.


4. They had enough food and tins for three years, …

a. a thousand of liters of lemon juice to stop disease.

b. two thousand of liters of water.

c. a thousand of liters of orange juice to stop disease.


5. They also had two libraries …

a. with three thousand books, excellent maps, scientific instruments and musical instruments.

b. with three thousand books, excellent maps, scientific instruments, musical instruments, and a new invention – a camera.

c. with two thousand books, geographical maps, scientific tools, musical instruments, and a new invention – a radio.


6. Franklin and his men left …

a. England on May the 19th 1845.

b. Europe on May the 18th 1845.

c. England on May the 19th 1855.


7. And they sailed without problems across …

a. the Atlantic towards China.

b. the Pacific towards Canada.

c. the Atlantic towards Canada.


8. When Franklin arrived at Baffin Bay in July …

a. 1845 things were going very badly for the expedition.

b. 1845 things were going very well for the expedition.

c. 1855 things were going very well for the expedition.


9. On July the 26th some sailors saw Franklin’s ships …

a. when they were entering the Bay.

b. when they were leaving the Bay.

c. when they were sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.


10. That was the last time …

a. that anyone saw Franklin and his men alive.

b. that people saw Franklin with his men alive.

c. that anyone met Franklin and his sailors.


11. The British Government became very worried …

a. when they found out that expedition was lost in ice.

b. when they heard nothing from Franklin.

c. when they had no information from Franklin.


12. They sent expeditions to look for him …

a. and at last one of the expeditions returned with the good news.

b. but the expeditions all returned without any news.

c. but they couldn’t find Franklin’s expedition.


13. The government offered 20 000 pounds to anybody who …

a. could help Franklin and his men to come back to England.

b. could find any signs of Franklin expedition.

c. could help Franklin or anybody who had information about Franklin.


14. Nobody …

a. came with information.

b. heard of him.

c. could help him.


15. Then in August 1850 some sailors found the first signs of the Franklin expedition while they were searching on Devon Island: …

a. some old food tins, some papers, and something very strange the graves of three men.

b. some old food cans, some papers, and some graves.

c. some old food tins, some papers, and some very interesting men.


16. The men all died in January 1846 …

a. when Franklin was staying in Baffin Bay with his sailors.

b. when Franklin was waiting on Devon Island for the ice to melt.

c. when Franklin was waiting in Baffin Bay for the ice to melt.


17. But why …

a. did they die?

b. did they disappear?

c. did they arrive there?


18. The three men …

a. were very sick.

b. were all young.

c. were very old.


19. And three deaths in the first month of the expedition …

a. were very unexpected.

b. were very mysterious.

c. was very strange.


20. What happened …

a. to the ship?

b. to them?

c. to the expedition?


21. And where were the ships …

a. and all the other sailors?

b. and the captain?

c. and the people?


22. The mystery of the Franklin expedition …

a. is still a mystery.

b. is not a mystery any more.

c. was growing stronger.

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with missed prepositions given below and then listen to the fragment to check yourself (one of the prepositions is used twice):

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