Студопедия — C. Work in groups. Read the following information very attentively to understand telephoning well.
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C. Work in groups. Read the following information very attentively to understand telephoning well.

1. Do you think it is important to start the conversation in a friendly way?

2. Is it necessary to check if the other person has time to talk?

3. Is it common practice to use indirect language in telephoning?

4. What do you think about the sequence in making calls?

The phrases you need:

Answer the phone

(receptionist) Good morning, ICT, Teresa is speaking. How can I help you?

(internal phone) Hello./ Sales department./ Nick Hamilton.

Connect the caller

Please hold while I try to connect you.

I’ll try her number for you.

Say who’s calling + why

This is ………. speaking / My name is ……..

This is ………. (here).

Can I speak to ……., please?

I’d like to speak to someone about……….

The reason I’m calling is ………..

I’m calling to ask a few questions about……….

I’m calling in connection with……….


Hello! How are you?

How nice to hear from you! How are things in Paris?

Oh! I didn’t recognize your voice!

Thanks for calling – did you get my e-mail?

Check it’s a good time to talk?

Are you in the middle of something?

Do you have a second?

End the call

Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Thanks for calling / It’s been nice talking to you. Bye.

Thanks for your time.

OK, leave it with me. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon.


D. Read the dialogues aloud. Do it by yourself or with a colleague (changing roles at the end). Practise several times until you’re fluent.

In this dialogue Celine Perez (CP) calls Maurice Cassidy (MC) on his direct line.


MC: Maurice Cassidy.

CP: Hello Maurice, this is Celine Perez speaking.

MC: Celine – how nice to hear from you! How are things over in Paris?

CP: Fine, fine. Maurice – is this a good time to talk? Are you in the middle of something?

MC: No, now is good. Just let me close down this document I’ve been working on. OK – what can I do for you?

CP: The reason I’m calling is because of the first quarter sales figures. Have you seen them?

MC: Yes, I have. Sales in France were below target, right?

CP: Exactly. The sales report doesn’t give any explanation for that. I thought

14 you might have some ideas.

MC: I do have some ideas, but I’d like to speak to Anna in Marketing about it. Can I get back to you tomorrow about this?

CP: Sure.

MC: OK, leave it with me. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon.

CP: Great – I’d appreciate that. Thanks for your time. Bye.


- Notice how Maurice starts the conversation in a friendly way at line 3.

- Notice how Celine checks that the other person has time to talk.

- Notice at line 12 how Celine uses indirect language (past forms: thought/might) to encourage MC to give information – she doesn’t want him to feel under any pressure.


In the second dialogue below Monika phones a company to ask about their market research services. She speaks first to the receptionist.


Receptionist: Good morning, ICT Communications. Teresa is speaking. How can I help you?

Monika: Oh, good morning. I’d like to speak to someone in your market research department.

5 Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?

Monika: Yes, it’s Monika Weber.

Receptionist: OK, Monika, please hold while I try to connect you.

Gianfranco: Market Research. Gianfranco is speaking.

10 Monika: Oh, my name is Monika Weber from Springer Media and I’m

calling to ask a few questions about your market research services.

Gianfranco: Of course, Monika. How can I help you?

Monika: I’d like to know …


- Notice at line 1 how the receptionist gives a very full answer.

- Notice at line 9 how Gianfranco answers his internal phone.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 937. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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