Студопедия — III. Use the table below to complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verb in brackets . There may be more than one possible answer.
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III. Use the table below to complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verb in brackets . There may be more than one possible answer.

II. Here is what three students said about people they admire. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective from the box below. There are two that you will not u se.

Chatty adventurous creative caring supportive hard-working punctual


a 'I really admire artists of all kinds. As well as being 1_____ and artistic, they are often very 2_____ but don't necessarily get recognition for their work.'

b 'I have a lot of respect for nurses. They often need to work long shifts, so they have to be 3 _______. However, as they look after the most vulnerable people in society, they should also have a 4____ nature.'

c 'My grandmother is the person I admire the most. She is always 5 ______of what I want to do. Even though she worries about me when I go off travelling to new places, she thinks it's good that I'm 6 ______ and encourages me to try new things.'


III. Use the table below to complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verb in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.


1 I likeearly on Sunday mornings when it's quiet outside. (get up)

2 My sister hates____________ people as she's slow at typing. (email)

3 I can't stand people____________ loudly on their mobiles on the bus. (talk)

4 I'd prefer_____________ a few good friends than many acquaintances. (have)

5 Joanna would like___________living abroad for a year. (try)

6 He dislikes__________to the gym. (go)

7 Many people love___________ for others. (cook)

8 Thomas enjoys__________the centre of attention. (be)

9 Young children like adults___ with them. (play)

10 Friends who live in different countries often prefer ____ emails rather than ______on the phone as it's cheaper. (write/speak)


IV. Copy the verb forms below in bald italics into the correct column in the table according to their meaning and then. Match them with adverbs in the box:

1) gradually steadily quickly drastically slightly slowly swiftly rapidly slowly but surely radically
2) hit a low fall level off remain flat plummet rise soar dip fluctuate hit a peak reach a peak drop reach a high plunge stabilize be erratic reach the lowest point rocket grow increase decrease






Total (max 60)


Higher level

V.Insert the verbs given below into correct gap and remember to put them into form

increase grow (2) experience be (2) receive (2) soar have rise illustrate


The graph 1______ how often social networking sites were accessed in comparison to the search

engines Yahoo and Google over two and a half years ending in June 2006. It is clear that

although visits to both search engines and social networking sites 2 _________, vi sits to the latter

3 _________ at a faster pace. In January 2004, Yahoo 4 ________ by far the most popular site with

over 1 00 million visitors. However, although this figure gradually 5 _________ to almost 1 20 million

by June 2006, this 6 ________ not a significant increase. Secondly, Google 7 _________ about half

the number of visitors compared to Yahoo in 2004, around 60 million. Its popularity 8 ______ more

rapidly, so that by June 2006 it almost 9 ________ the same number of visitors as Yahoo had two

and a half years earlier, an increase of nearly double. Lastly, social networking sites 10 _________

the least visitors in 2004. In contrast, they 1 1 _________ the greatest increase as numbers 12 ­­­­­­­____

from around 40 to over 80 million by the end of the period of study.



Total (max 24: word & word form)______________



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