Студопедия — Talking and Writing. 43 Consider again the two quotations from the text above:
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Talking and Writing. 43 Consider again the two quotations from the text above:

43 Consider again the two quotations from the text above:

a) A number of leading schools duplicate many aspects of their full-time programme in the distance learning option. They aim to maximise student/teacher contact through email, fax and telephone.

b) Conventional, campus-based courses are becoming more and more flexible. The division between them and distance education is breaking down. Technological change and university reforms are narrowing the difference between distance- and campus-based higher education.

1. Can either of these ideas (or both) be implemented at this university?

2. If so, what would be the prerequisites for this innovation?

3. Which departments of the faculty and which courses could be involved?

4. What would be the costs and benefits?

5. What would be the feedback from the students?

6. Are you personally excited by the idea?

44 Imagine that the idea of distant education has been picked up by mass media and you are approached by a newspaperman with a request to write an article about how the prospect of Web-based courses viewed by student linguists. Now review the topical vocabulary, linking devices, use the tips on the format in Part 1 of Unit 2 Cinema, choose the type you want and write an article for the newspaper.

Additional tips:

Articles are usually formal in style, however they can be less formal depending on whether they are published in a popular magazine or a newspaper. In a less for­mal article you might address the reader directly whereas in a formal article this would not be acceptable. In formal articles the style is impersonal (e.g. It may not be widely known...).

The first paragraph may: The last paragraph may:
· state a strong, firm opinion e.g. Technology is def­initely here to stay; · make reference to a strange scene or situation e.g. Will language learners always shun modern technological advances? · address to the reader directly in less formal articles e.g. What do you think...? Have you ever...? If you want to... · start with a quotation or a rhetorical question (a rhetorical question is a question which needs no reply) e.g. Do the students know how fortunate they are? (no answer is expected); · start with a problem which needs a solution e.g. Can you explain the problem of... · state a personal opinion e.g. I believe..., In my opinion..., It seems that... etc. · give the reader something to consider e.g. After all, is it fair to... · summarise the article e.g. In conclusion..., To sum up..., On the whole... etc. · end with a quotation.

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