Студопедия — Frederick Taylor.
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Frederick Taylor.

3.1. Family Background.

Frederick Taylor was from a very wealthy family. All the holidays he spent in Europe, studying languages ​​such as French and German. Any child could envy his bohemian life in a secular society.


3.2. Educational Background.

More in adulthood Frederick Taylor reads lots of books and very good to learn that yields results and Frederick Taylor goes to Harvard. After beginning his training begins vision problems, but despite this he finishes university. He did not want the rich and influential parents helped him to succeed and would only make himself.


Taylor led an active life, every Sunday, he played tennis with his friend, Clarence Clark, and in 1881 they win a national tennis tournament.

3.3. Accomplishments/ Business Ideas.

Frederick Taylor has always dreamed of working with his hands and not having finished his studies he went to work in a factory for the production of metal work on the machine. His new colleagues were surprised by the appearance of their factory, a young man of high society, as Frederick Taylor did not drink alcohol or smoke and do not fit into the general mass of workers from poorer areas. But workers are friendly took him to his team.


One day, when Taylor finished his boss told him that the factory had no future. In the age of 22, Taylor finds a new job at the Pittsburgh factory - the Midvale Street Works. After a while his boss William Sellars makes the job all the staff to see his plan for the production of new machines and voice their opinions. Frederick Taylor takes it home and discovers the plan in terms of a number of bugs, but William Sellars does not approve of his works and burns in the fireplace, but takes note intelligent and mentally alert employee. A few months later William Sellars invites Taylor to become a manager of a small group of workers. Frederick Taylor is happy beginning of his career and his method applies to employees of a factory run faster. But workers are not happy with the new methods and between workers and Taylor feud arises. After some time, Taylor improves eyesight and he continued his studies, but not at Harvard, and to learn from the engineer at Stevens Institute of Tehnology. Taylor ends the institution despite the fact that it is very hard to learn, as he went after a hard day.


In 1883 he was appointed Midvales Chief Engineering Officer. Taylor to become known outside the factory person. In 1890 he was invited to become General Manager of the industrial investment company, a business that owned a lot of paper mills. He was very pleased, but industrial investment company really was not ready for the ideas of Taylor, and soon had problems with his superiors as well as with the workers. Company owners were concerned about the large sums of money, which he began to spend on new machines and new equipment. But Taylor explained by the fact that it is better to buy cars than is spent on each employee of the factory. In 1893, the U.S. economy has undergone some serious problems. Suddenly, no one has money. People stopped buying things. Taylor was forced to resign and find a future somewhere else.


In 1898, when he was offered a job manager in Bethlehem Steel Works. When he started work, he began experimenting to improve the quality and quantity of work performed. He met with one of the officers, high and strong guy named Schmidt, who gladly performs more work plan for the big money, other employees hate new methods of Taylor, but try to work harder and better. Those who can not cope with a lot of work, Taylor dismissed.

But despite all their efforts in May 1901 he was dismissed. While Taylor was only forty-five, it was the last manager's job in his life. After that, Taylor returned to his home, where he wrote books and newspaper articles about their methods and in 1910, Taylor suddenly became famous in the business world.


In fact, the time was just right for Taylor's ideas. In the early 1900s in Detroit, another engineer, called Henry Ford, had started a new business that made cars. At that time, cars were very expensive and were only owned by the richest people in the world. He simply needed to reduce the cost of making them. To do this, he decided to make just one kind of car in just one color - the famous black Model T Ford. But Ford wasn't worried about that; for him workers were just another part of the machine.

He once said, 'When I want a pair of hands, why do I get a human being as well?' When they heard about Frederick Taylor, many believed that he could give them the answers they wanted. The ideas of Ford and Taylor were very similar. Both Ford and Taylor believed that workers didn't want or need to have responsibility. Without their managers, workers were nothing. It was the manager's job to find the best workers and to teach them to work in the best possible way.


In 1917, Taylor has died from the disease. Even after his death, his ideas live on today. His books have been translated into many languages. But even now his ideas raise numerous questions ……



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