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1. The Etymology of English Words (a brief survey of certain historical facts).

2. Words of Native Origin.

3. Borrowed Words. The Etymological Structure of English Vocabulary.

4. Romanic and Germanic Borrowings.

5. Assimilation of Borrowings.

6. Influence of Borrowings.



Key words:etymology, cognates, native word, borrowing, source of borrowing, international word, assimilation, completely assimilated borrowed words, partially assimilated borrowed words, unassimilated borrowings, barbarism, etymological doublet, loans, hybrids





1. Group the following words according to their origin.


Machine, mule, chocolate, telephone, wigwam, kangaroo, chauffeur, beauty, umbrella, school, grotto, lottery, opera, sonata, sonnet, mikado, hara-kiri, karate, soprano, opal, orange, punch, sapphire, manifest, umbrella, violin, banana, bravado, canibal, aga, bey, caftan, coffee, canoe, hammock, hurricane, sombrero, samurai, shogun, bonsai, tobacco, tank, guitar, hacienda, sputnik, auto-da-fe, port (wine), verandah, cobra, bismuth, jungle, pyjamas, cobalt, quartz, zinc, stanza, incognito, macaroni, influenza, fiasco, nickel, waltz, kindergarten, leitmotif, borsch, rucksack, poodle, homeopathy, maize, mosquito, mulatto, potato, hamburger, lager, reef, deck, hoy, commandeer, springbok, baobab, landscape, roster, coach, tokay, goulash, hussar, mazurka, polka, sugar, jute, candy, shampoo, loot, guru, curry, geisha, kimono, kamikaze, zaitech, emir, harem, khalif, sofa, sheikh, assassin, azimuth, sherbert, zero, cruise, easel, horde, uhlan, kiosk, yoghurt, shish kebab, bazaar, caravan, turban, bamboo, ketchup, sago, tea, tycoon, kung fu, glasnost, intelligentsia, madeira, perestroika, samovar, troika, piazza, portico, solo, cocoa, corral, desperado, embargo, schnaps, sauerkraut, kapellmeister, yacht, rupee, khaki.


2. Explain the origin of the following words.


White, black, wide, mother, sister, day, cow, sheep, dog, hen, goat, arm, be, do, ask, eat, see, sit, send, love, star, wind, hard, quick, slow, long, ankle, bread, hear, keep, learn, make, meet, rise, but, much, still, well, yet, he, I, month, bull, horse, we, you, it,


self, in, of, to, with, kid, root, score, skull, sky, skin, skirt, get, give, raise, scream, scrape, seem, scowl, scare, good, dark, apple, scrub, take, them, same, both, hand, eye, foot, sell, think, bear, stand, water, wood, hill, stone, bath, bear, berry, this, by, for, go, have, come, father, they, their, see, behind, clan, flannel, knife.


3. Group the following Latin loans according to the period of borrowing.


Comet, contradiction, superior, anterior, cook, mill, cup, pepper, pear, kettle, chest, dish, mile, pea, plum, street, beet, wall, altar, creed, cross, fault, sacrifice, linen, month, basket, lily, pearl, palm, pine, elephant, dolphin, peach, philosopher, fiddle, erratum, animal, antenna, genius, fungus, stimulus, omnibus, nucleus, radius, datum, letter, dish, window, formula, index, radix, series, dictum, minimum, posterior, prior, inferior, senior, junior, alias, arbitrator, client, custody, gratis, homicide, implement, incumbent, Mass, pauper, prosecute, summary, suppress, testify, testimony, allegory, desk, discuss, dislocate, equator, essence, explicit, formal, organ, pike, plant, genius, history, index, inferior, innumerable, intellect, item, library, magnify, major, minor, notary, prosody, recipe, scribe, simile, solar, immortal, incarnate, mediator, memento, pulpit, requiem, scripture, admit, adjacent, anatomy, collision, combine, conclude, conductor, contempt, depression, proviso, distract, exclude, expedition, gesture, imaginary, include, incredible, ass, mule, colony, rose, library, choir, decline, grammar, hymn, mechanical, legal, legitimate, memorandum, feast, disciple, school, species, alibi, item, marble, chalk, maximum, chapter, candle, conspiracy, conviction, monk.


4. Explain the meaning of the following Latin abbreviations.


e.g. i.e. a.m. v.v. viz. etc. cf.
et seq. id(em) ib., ibid. p.a., per a. pct. op. cit. per pro
q.l. s.f. qu. sc., scil. p.m. a.m.  


5. Explain the origin of the following words.


Etymology, fungus, stimulus, nucleus, radius, Nicholas, Theodor, formula, index, series, species, alibi, item, dictum, George, maximum, minimum, superior, anterior, posterior, prior, inferior, senior, junior, physics, psychiatry, Sophie, Peter, antonym, archaism, dialect, euphemism, homophone, lexicology, metaphor, metonymy, neologism, datum, polysemy, synecdoche, synonym, analysis, comedy, democrat, dialogue, episode, gymnastics, problem, rhythm, scheme, scene, tragedy, erratum, animal, antenna, genius, Eugene, Helene, homonym, radix, hyperbole, idiom, omnibus.


6. Using Table 5. (pp. 51-53) group the following French loans according to their meaning.


Authority, bailiff, baron, chamberlain, chancellor, constable, coroner, council, crown, duke, empire, abbey, archer, army, battle, besiege, captain, combat, baptism, cardinal, cathedral, chant, chaplain, charity, clergy, communion, trespass, verdict, warrant, parliament, peasant, prince, realm, reign, accuse, adultery, advocate, arrest, arson, assault,



assize, attorney, bail, bar, blame, convict, crime, decree, depose, estate, evidence, executor, felon, fine, fraud, heir, indictment, jail, judge, jury, justice, legacy, perjury, plaintiff, plea, prison, punishment, sue, summons, government, liberty, majesty, manor, mayor, messenger, minister, noble, palace, revenue, royal, servant, sir, sovereign, squire, statute, tax, traitor, treasurer, treaty, tyrant, vassal, warden, confess, convent, crucifix, faith, mercy, miracle, novice, ordain, parson, penance, prayer, defend, enemy, guard, lieutenant, navy, peace, prelate, religion, sacrament, saint, trinity, vicar, virgin, virtue, retreat, sergeant, siege, soldier, spy, anatomy, gender, geometry, pigeon, plate, pork, poultry, raisin, appetite, salvation, saviour, sermon, solemn, temptation, theology, bacon, beef, biscuit, gravy, gruel, herb, jelly, lemon, lettuce, mackerel, mince, mustard, mutton, olive, sole, spice, basin, blanket, bucket, ceiling, cellar, chair, chamber, stew, sturgen, sugar, supper, tart, taste, toast, treacle, tripe, veal, vinegar, art, beauty, carol, chess, colour, conversation, dance, fool, image, lay, leisure, literature, lute, melody, music, noun, painting, paper, park, partridge, pavilion, pen, peasant, poet, preface, prose, recreation, rein, retrieve, romance, sculpture, tragedy, trot, volume, title, tournament, copy, grammar, logic, medicine, metal, noun, closet, treatise, orange, oyster, repast, roast, salad, couch, counterpane, latch, tower, curtain, cushion, lamp, chandelier, chimney, pantry, parlour, pillar, attire, boot, buckle, button, chemise, cloak, collar, diamond, dress, embroidery, emerald, ermine, sphere, fashion, frock, fur, garment, gown, jewel, lace, mitten, ornament, pearl, petticoat, robe, satin, taffeta, veil, wardrobe, confection, cream, dinner, feast, fig, fruit, grape, spaniel, stable, story, terrier, clause, porch, quilt, towel, lantern, salmon, sardine, saucer, sausage, ointment, plague, poison, pulse, stomach, study, surgeon.


7. Fill in the missing elements in the table with the lexical pairs.


English French
Pig, swine  



8. Group the following loans into 1) completely assimilated borrowings,

2) partially assimilated borrowings, 3) unassimilated borrowings or barbarisms.


Cheese, street, wall, wine, formulae, husband, fellow, gate, root, addio, ciao, wing, call, take, die, want, coup d'Etat, happy, ill, low, old, wrong, bourgeois, prestige, memoir, table, face, chair, figure, finish, matter, ad libitum, animal, article, incognito, macaroni, soprano, tobacco, kapellmeister, ballet, buffet, corps, bouquet, brioche, Auto- da-fe, nucleus, chauffeur, nota bene, shaman, souvenir, spaghetti, à la carte, boulevard, torero, ad hoc, à la mode, têt-à- têt, déjà vu.


9. Write out international words from the given sentences.


1. He gave a false address to the police. 2. I‟ve seen many good films lately.

3. Do you take sugar in your coffee? 4. Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

5. Charlotte Brontë wrote under the pseudonym of Currer Bell. 6. He worked in radio

for nearly 40 years. 7. Many people feel that their interests are not represented by

mainstream politics.8. We‟ve seen the open-air theatre in London‟s Regent Park.

9. I‟m worried about my son‟s lack of progress in English. 10. The government has

promised to introduce reforms of the tax system. 11. He went on to study medicine at

Edinburgh University.


10. Give the cognates (‘false friends’) in the Ukrainian language to the given

English words. State the difference in their meanings.


Argument, baton, order, to reclaim, delicate, intelligent, revision, artist, sympathetic, capital, fabric, ambitious, concourse, romance, to pretend, command.


11. Transcribe the following borrowings not completely assimilated graphically and / or phonetically. Pay special attention to their spelling and pronunciation.


Torchére, chalet, parquet, chauffeur, corps, souvenir, spaghetti, memoir, incognito, sabotage, boulevard, macaroni.


12. Give the plural form of the nouns borrowed from Latin and Greek.


Sanatorium, terminus, datum, nucleus, formula, bacillus, stratum, parenthesis, thesis, stimulus, criterion, hypothesis.


13. Arrange the words from the columns so that they form double or triple synonymous series.


Native English words French borrowings Latin borrowings
guts flame lassitude
ask sacred felicity
fire courage ascend
house attire interrogate
kingly mount regal
weariness mansion  
rise question  
happiness royal  


14. Give adjectives of Latin origin corresponding to the following nouns.


Tooth, sun, youth, death, eye, star, sea, nose, town, sight.


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