Студопедия — Additional literature
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Additional literature

3. Audio Disc of “New English File” for Intermediate level.

4. “Essential Grammar in Use” by R.Murphy. Second Edition. Cambridge, 2008.

5. Internet resources: www.learningenglish.com


Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Hand out
English as a foreign language Department of General Humanitarian Training
Intermediate level Academic year the 2012-2013
2 credits The 3d term
Practical lesson № 19  
Lexical theme «Famous Kazakh people»  
Grammar «Passives»  
Assistant professor Minayeva Aislu Zhulduzgalievna


) Speaking

What do you think?

1. Can anyone become famous?

2. Name the famous Kazakh people. What are they famous for?


& Reading

And now you are going to read about the outstanding Kazakh scientist Kanysh Satbaev (1899-1964). Underline the verbs in passives.

Kanysh Imantayevich Satbaev was born on 12 April 1899 in Akkelinsk volost (small rural district, now it is Bayanaul district) Pavlodar region.

Kanysh's father, Imantay, was a biy, his grandfather was a Kazhy (Khodja - means "man who has been to Mecca") His mother, Salima, was in poor health and died when Kanysh was one year old. He was taught a love of literature and music by his father. Kanysh knew poems of Rumi, Khafiz, Djami, Navoyi by heart at an early age, read poems about Hila and Medynun, "Zhussup - Zlikha". He liked to listen to fairy tales and eposes. He was a gifted boy and studied at local Kazakh- Russian school, in Russian - Kyrgyz college in Pavlodar and in Semey teachers' college. He got high grades everywhere.

At the age of 19 he had already been teaching at Teachers' courses. When he was 20 he entered Tomsk technology Institute, department of Geology. In 1926 he graduated from the Institute.

Copper deposits in Karsakbay and Zheskazgan, deposits of coal in Ekibastuz were discovered by him. Then the cities with large plants and groups of enterprises were built. The map of minerals’ deposits in Kazakhstan was made by Satbaev.

Kanysh Imantayevich found the stone with inscriptions made by Emir Timur in Ulytau which is stored in the Hermitage now.

He was an initiator of construction of Kazakh Academy of sciences and set the first brick in the foundation of the Academy building; in 1946 he became its first president and academician. World famous academician Kanysh Satbaev made such a valuable contribution to science that a planet - asteroid between Mars and Jupiter (black - brown colour, diameter 11 km, no 2402 on the Star map) was named in his honour. The name of a great man is given to cities, streets, schools and institutes. Memories and monuments have been erected to immortalize the memory about him.

The world organization UNESCO in connection with the 100th anniversary of Great Academician declared year 1999 as "A year of Satbaev", Kanysh Satbaev died on 31 January 1964, but he is still in our hearts, because he left a rich legacy to us. Besides he was a hard working, honest and modest man.



Answer the questions:

1. Where and when was he born?

2. What part did his parents play in his career?

3. When did he enter the Tomsk Technology institute?

4. What was discovered by K. Satbaev in Karsakbay and Zhezkazgan?

5. What inscriptions in Ulytau were found by him?

6. What year was “A Year of Satbayev” declared?


? Writing

Complete the sentences:

1. He taught at Teacher's courses...

2. He discovered copper deposits in...

3. He found the...

4. Kanysh Satbayev made such a …

5. The name of a great man was given...

6. He is still in our...

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