Студопедия — U Audio-spirits
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U Audio-spirits

T 1 [1.5]

Interviewer Kevin, why did you decide to open a restaurant in Chile?

Kevin I’d always wanted to have my own restaurant and it would have been very expensive to do that in England. I’d visited Chile as a tourist and loved it, and I thought it would be a good place because Chileans are very pro-European, and are quite open to new things, new ideas. So, I opened Frederick’s.

Interviewer Right. Why did you call the restaurant Frederick’s?

Kevin Because Frederick’s my father’s name. it’s my second name too.

Interviewer What kind of food do you serve?

Kevin Mainly international dishes like pasta, stick and fries, risotto – but we also do several English dishes as well.

Interviewer Were Chilean people surprised when they heard that an English chef was going to open a restaurant here?

Kevin Yes, they were – very! I think people don’t usually expect the English to be good cooks.

Interviewer Is your chef English?

Kevin No, he is Chilean – but I’ve taught him to make some English dishes.

Interviewer What kind if English dishes do you have on your menu?

Kevin Well, we are open in the morning, and we serve traditional English breakfasts, and then we have a lot of desserts at lunchtime, for example trifle – that’s a typical English dessert made with fruit and cake and cream. And we do proper English teas in the afternoon – tea with cakes or sandwiches.

Interviewer Are the English dishes popular?

Kevin Yes, especially the desserts and cakes. I think people here in Chile have a very sweet tooth.

Interviewer People who visit England always say that the food isn’t very good, or that you have to spend a lot of money to eat well. Do you agree?

Kevin I think eating good food’s never cheap. But I think that today, the best place for a tourist to eat in England is in a pub, especially the ones called gastropubs – pubs which are also restaurants. These pubs are beginning to serve really good food that’s not too expensive.

Interviewer I see. You said earlier that your chef was a man. Do you have any woman working in your kitchen?

Kevin Yes, one, but the rest are all men. In fact – I think that’s typical all over the world – there are far more men than woman in restaurant kitchens.

Interviewer why do you think that is?

Kevin I think there are a lot of reasons. The most important reason is probably the unsocial hours. Most women don’t want a job where you have to work until late at night. Then there’s the atmosphere. Women don’t like being shouted at, and there is a lot of shouting in restaurant kitchens. It’s also usually incredibly hot and I think women don’t like that either.

Interviewer And finally is there any English food that you really miss here?

Kevin The thing I miss most living in Chile is English cheese, I really miss Stilton – which is a wonderful English blue cheese. It’s not as famous as some of the French cheeses like Roquefort but I think it should be. You should try it!

Interviewer I will! Kevin, thank you very much.

Kevin Thank you.

T 2 [3.14; 1]


“You can get it if you really want”

Listen to the song and complete the missing verbs.

You can get it if you really want,

You can get if you really want,

You can get it if you really want,

But you m___________ try, try and try,

Try and try,

You’ll ____________ at last.

Persecution you m___________ bear

W________ or I ________, you’ve got to g___________

your share

get your mind set on a dream

you can g_________ it, though hard it seems


You can get it if you really want, etc.

Rome was not b_________ in a day,

Opposition will not c__________ your way

But the harder the battle you s_________,

Is the sweeter the victory


You can get it if you really want, etc.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 755. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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