Студопедия — Victoria and Albert Museum
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Victoria and Albert Museum

With a permanent collection that tops 4 million pieces, the Victoria and Albert Museum is the largest decorative arts museum in the world. It's also one of London's most interesting and diverse museums.

About the Museum and its Collection

Founded in 1852 and opened at its

V & A Museum

current location in 1857, this amazing museum boasts 3,000 years worth of artifacts from the world's richest cultures. The collection currently numbers about 4.5 million pieces, which include everything from paintings and photographs to jewelry, ceramics, and textiles.


The museum's British Galleries are especially impressive and house the most comprehensive collection of British design and art anywhere, spanning four centuries, from 1500 to 1900. Visitors can also explore the 4,000 year history of glass, browse through myriad examples of post-classical European

The Cast Court

sculpture, view a photography collection that began back in 1852, and wander through rooms full of childhood treasures, including dolls, toy cars, games, and costumes.


And that's only the tip of the iceberg. The V&A also has an impressive collection of East Asian decorative arts, a fashion and jewelry exhibit that ranges from the 17th century until today, an impressive metalwork display, and more than 14,000 pieces of furniture from Britain, Continental Europe and America that date from the Middle Ages to the present day.


Some Highlights

The museum's collection is so diverse it is difficult to pinpoint the highlights. One of the visitor's favorites are the cast courts, a collection of casts of famous European monuments and sculptures. At the end of the 19th century, when most people weren't fortunate enough to travel around the continent, casts were a popular way of showing famous foreign monuments to the people. Among others, there are casts of Trajan's column in Rome, the Portico de la

Sultan Tipu's Tiger

Gloria from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain as well as a plaster replica of Michelangelo's David sculpture.

Another favorite is the 'Tiger of Tipu', an 18th century wooden mechanical construction depicting a British soldier attacked by a tiger. The construction, which was built for the Indian Sultan Tipu, even produces growling and screaming sounds.


Crown of
Tewodros II

To truly see the museum, you'll need much more than just one day and no matter how many times you return, you'll never pay a pound. Admission to the Victoria and Albert Museum is free and has been since 2001, but donations are welcomed.


Museum Architecture

The landmark front façade of the Victoria and Albert Museum stretches 720 feet (220 meters) along Cromwell Gardens. Fashioned from red brick and Portland cement, this portion of the museum was designed by Aston Webb in 1891 and served as an addition to the original museum. Construction took place from 1899 to 1909.


Webb's design, most experts agree, is rather eclectic. Most of the detail is Renaissance

though the building does have some medieval elements. The shallow arches supported by slender columns are Romanesque in form and the detail there is decidedly classical. The tower above the main entrance is reminiscent of those built in the late Gothic period, particularly in Scotland. The extensive use of marble is evident in the interior.


The museum survived World War II pretty much intact and it wasn't until the 1950s and 1960s that additions and renovations began to be made, including the addition of the Henry Cole wing.


Renovation and Expansion

A few galleries were redesigned in the 1990s, and in 2001, the museum released the details of what they dubbed "Future Plan". To date, many galleries have already been redesigned and work continues with the help of many well-known architects and designers. The museum also opened two new galleries in 2009: one displays ceramics and another houses an extensive collection of Medieval and Renaissance artifacts.

The second phase of the expansion plan was launched in July 2010 when V&A announced it would hold a design competition in the autumn of 2010 for a major expansion of the museum. An earlier plan for the expansion in 2004 was met with fierce opposition due to its bold design, which showed a glass, 7 stories tall spiraling structure designed by Daniel Liebeskind. The museum has now decided to expand underground with a gallery designed by Amanda Levete Architects.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 533. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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