Студопедия — Dwelling
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If i am asked where i want to live, i will probably answer that my idea of the perfect place to live in is a penthouse in the city center. To my mind, such a convenient location combined with a great height means an easy access to local amenities and the quiet of the suburbs, just because the noise of the city can't disturb a person living high above the city. Of course, the infrastructure is of great importance. Having a gym, a supermarket with several restaurants included, a museum and a school or university near by is preferable, as travelling in overcrowded urban transport in rush hours is very tiresome. Considering living in the suburbs, I cannot but mention that one of the main advantages of it is fresh air, whereas city dwellers are deprived of it. Moreover, furious life pace that is stressful for the citizens doesn't concern countrypeople so badly. Talking about the disadvantages, it must be said that dependence on transport may be a great problem for all countrypeople, as traffic jams and overcrowding are very exhausting. To say more, suburban infrastructure is not developed as much as in the city, which is very inconvenient. Weighing the pros and cons, i would like to emphasize that living in the city is far better than in the suburbs, although there are a few disadvantages of it.

Now let me say a few words about the flat itself. A small dwelling is too annoying, that's why an ideal place for me to live in is a spacious and even two-storeyed flat. Located on the top floors, it should have a pale colour scheme and a techno look. The view from the huge windows, enclosing the flat area may be the main advantage of it. Many hours may be spent beside this gorgeous city landscape. The number of the rooms should reach 3 or 4 rooms on either floor, so everyone in the family can have enough living space. Modern technologies are so simple and pleasant to use that they are absolutely necessary for me both in the rooms and in the kitchen. But the dining room must be the incarnation of cosiness and comfort. Completed with a fireplace, it should have an out-of-date look, the matching furniture, a bookcase containg classical literature, stylized technics and soft light beautiful carpets, so every detail of the room should make it a perfect place to relax in. This is how I imagine my dream flat.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 469. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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