Студопедия — Supplementary 8: Theory of word combination
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Supplementary 8: Theory of word combination

TOPIC 5: Sentence as a Predicative Unit

5.1. Structural, semantic, communicative aspects

5.2. Predication, its types and expression

5.3. Classification of sentences: structural, semantic, communicative

5.4. Division of the sentence: principal vs secondary parts

Supplementary 9: Sentence Structure

Supplementary 10: Actual division of the Sentence

TOPIC 6: Composite Sentence: Types, Clauses, Connectors

6.1. Features of a composite sentence

6.2. Complex sentence

6.3. Semi-complex sentence

6.4. Compound sentence

6.5. Semi-compound sentence

Conclusive remarks

Selfcheck Tasks

Recommended literature

TOPIC 1: General Account of the Grammatical Structure of the English Language under Theoretical Analysis

Levels of the grammatical description

English Grammatical Theory was historically developed within originally three linguistic schools, dependent on linguistic approaches and methodology of the grammatical analysis, namely: Classical Scientific Grammar covering both prescriptive and explanatory branches (H.Sweet, G.Curme, E.Kruisinga, H.Poustna, O.Jespersen, F.Zandvoort, C.Onions); American Descriptive Grammar concerned with a formalized description of the language system (started with E.Sapir and L.Bloomfield, continued by Ch.Fries, Z.Harris, W.Francis, K.Pike, R.Wells, E.Nida); Transformational Grammar aimed to outline rules of forming sentences derived from its kernel models (Z.Harris, N.Chomsky, P.Roberts, E.Bach, O.Thomas). Further on, grammatical research has been enlarged with several new types of Grammar, the purpose of which is: Communicative Grammar (V.Mathesius, J.Firbas) – to study theme-rheme interpretation of the message in a sentence looked upon from the view of its informative value; Semantic Grammar (Ch.Fillmore, W.Chafe) – to study semantic roles of units constituting semantic structure of a sentence; Pragmatic Grammar (J.Austin, J.Searle) – to study functional purpose of a sentence in terms of speech acts; Textual Grammar (L.Harris, T.vanDijk, M.Halliday) – to study text as coherent and cohesive communicative unit.

Whatever linguistic science might be, its interest is centered on the insight into systemic character of language, with the grammatical system as its constituent part. It follows that Grammar, focused on the grammatical description of language, is aimed to present an outline of the grammatical system, i.e. to define grammatical categories and analyse the mechanisms of grammatical formation of utterances out of words in speech making. In the other way, grammar incorporates such notion as grammatical structure of language, defined in terms of a coherent dynamic system, with constituents related to one another (a morpheme, a word, a phrase, a sentence), reflecting the body of grammatical units and the regularities of their use in the process of sentence production. In this respect, Grammar is mainly concerned with principles of sentence formation that include the ways in which word forms with definite morphological categorical distinctions are arranged to create a phrase and a sentence, originating finally a text as the highest communicative unit. The text is made up of sentences, which are termed as meaningful communicative units, integrating phrases; phrases are defined as meaningful non-communicative structural units, integrating words, as nominative units, being built up by meaningful segmental components, morphemes, formed by phonemes and indivisible as to their function. Hence, the aspects of the grammatical description can be drawn up as the following: text-level, sentence-level, phrase-level, word-level, morpheme-level. As regards these features, Grammar is divided into Morphology and Syntax. The subject matter of Morphology is the grammatical classes and groups of words, their grammatical categories and systems of forms (paradigms), in which these categories actually exist. Syntax studies sentence-building, i.e. ways of connecting words and word phrases into sentences giving a rise to the text.

The type of grammatical structure of a language, synthetical or analytical, is dependent on the ways of expressing grammatical relations between words in word-groups and sentences. Take an example of synthetical Russian with the grammatical function of a word being expressed by inflection or affixation, sound interchage and suppletivity. The extent to which Modern English makes use of inflection and suppletivity is scarce, if compared with Russian (e.g. works, worked, go/went, am/is/are, I/me, good/better). Being an analytical language, English has gradually developed other devices to perform the same function (говорю – am talking; пришел – has arrived; прочитаны – had been read). The distinctive features characterizing English as a mainly analytical language are the following:

- comparatively few grammatical inflections (ed; s/es; er/est; ing);

- scarcity of suppletive grammatical forms (be, were, me, worst, went);

- a wide use of functional words (auxiliaries, articles, prepositions) to create grammatical forms and to connect words in a sentence (will be taking, have been writing, much more interesting, the country, a chair, the title of the book, arrive at the airport, is keen on music);

- a more or less fixed word order to denote grammatical relations.

The distinguished number of analytically built grammatical forms makes the specific peculiarity of English as an analytical language: e.g. is translated, has been studying, will be running, more interesting, less expensive, could have bought, ought to arrive, etc.

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