Студопедия — The infinitive
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The infinitive

79 Translate these sentences, find all the infinitives:

1 То save this patient's life the doctors decided to perform the operation. 2 To save the patient's life is necessary. 3 This man to be given first aid suffers from heart disease. 4 They want to give him first aid. 5 It is necessary to examine this man to give him first aid. 6 The patient to be operated on was brought to the operating-room. 7 To prevent the danger of infection the surgeons use the sterile instruments. 8 To prevent the danger of infection is very important. 9 Measures to be taken to protect the health of people are various. 10 They want to prevent the danger of infection. 11 The patients to be admitted to this department suffer from pneumonia. 12 To transfer blood from one person to another one the medical staff must haves some technical skill. 13 То breathe fresh and pure air is very important as it works excellently on one's central nervous system. 14 To treat an advanced case is often very difficult; therefore every effort should be directed to check any disease at Its very beginning. 15 The aim of medicine is to cure and alleviate diseases. 16 The purpose of this report was to present the results obtained in the treatment of tuberculosis. 17 He was unable to sleep and was despondent. 18 He agreed to take some food but eventually refused to touch it. 19 The doctor permitted him to get up. 20 The treatment of this case does not/require to be extended beyond the customary three weeks. 21 To relieve cough the nurse gave the patient a sedative. 22 To examine a child considerable skill and patience are required. 23 To recognize the initial stage of the disease is very important. 24 To perform this operation, in such conditions was a hard task.


80 Define the infinitive functions:

1 The prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin was the first to advance the idea of an infectious origin of hepatitis. 2 The patient was known to have been operated on for gangrenous appendicitis a year before his admission to the hospital. 3 The physician did not expect the tissues of the spleen and gallbladder to become involved simultaneously with the liver. 4 The patient had to follow a strict diet to prevent recurrence of the bile duct obstruction and jaundice.5 He can perform this operation in the morning. 6 My friend was the last to come to the lecture. 7 He wants to see me on Sunday. 8 St-Petersburg is one of the most interesting cities to visit.9 The doctor wanted to examine the patient in the morning. 10 To know Anatomy well is necessary for every surgeon. 11 Our students came to the Institute to listen to the lecture on bones. 12 My friend was the first to take the examination in Biology. 13 The surgeon will begin to operate on this patient at 10 o’clock.


81 Translate the sentences with phrases for+noun (pronoun)+infinitive:

1 The disease was too serious for the child to recover soon. 2 It is necessary for many hypertension patients to be registered. 3 It is cold for the patients to go for a walk. 4 It is very important for mother to know that jaundice is fairly treacherous illness. 5 The first thing for the doctor to do is to find out the child's case history. 6 It is necessary for the eye to be operated on and treated for a long time. 7 The first thing for him to do is to consult the doctor.


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