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Strength Weaknesses
The only publicly quoted company Dependance on materials supply
Has over 80 years of construction experience Dependance on subcontractors
Has its own production facilities and is self-sufficient in materials Little experience in providing full cycle projects
M&A activities leads to the geopgraphicals and business expansion Little influence of Corporate Governance on projects
Well-connected top managers attract new contracts Dependance on main client's decisions - Government
Significant backlog growth  
The loyalty of clients  
Own technologies that are protected by patents  
Opportunities Threats
The growth of Russian transport infrastructure Deterioration of macroeconomic situation
New projects that are financed by the Government Delays in payment for the work conducted
Public Private Partnership projects Price inflation of building materials
Life cycle contracts and concessionaries Political risks
State programs for the development of transport infrastructure Post-construction guarantees
  Change in Government priorities and switching away from developinh transport infrastructure
  The amount of outsorcing to subcontracting services

Source: A-team analysis


Rivalry determinants ü There are a few companies that have major share of the market ü The existing firms will fight hard in order to survive because they cannot easily transfer their resources elsewhere ü There is a big brand loyalty, as well as the good political relations of the owners of the company  
The likelihood of new entry ü The costs of entry are high ü Firms who have experience and reputation in the industry have major advantages ü The major client in the industry is the government, consequently, the loyalty to the existing companies is very high    


Competitive rivalry within an Industry


The power of buyers ü Although, the increase of Private and PPP clients is planned the main customers remain the same: the Federal State Agencies and Regional authorities, so they are very important for the company ü The customers have relatively high flexibility to switch to other major companies in the industry, so Mostotrest must provide high quality service at a good price ü The customers have high negotiating power    
The power of suppliers ü Mostotrest has its own production facilities and can provide approximately 40% of all its construction materials needs. ü In fact there are many companies with which Mostotrest successfully cooperates. ü Switching to another supplier is relatively difficult, because mainly all materials are coming from Russian companies and consequently are more reliable, e.g. suitable for Russian weather conditions    


Source: A-team analysis


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 476. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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