Студопедия — I. Instructor: Zauresh Atakhanova, PhD
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I. Instructor: Zauresh Atakhanova, PhD

Intermediate Microeconomics

Fall 2012 Syllabus

I. Instructor: Zauresh Atakhanova, PhD


II. Contact Information:Office: 8231

Office hours:T,Th 8:30-11.00 am or by appointment

E-mail:[email protected]

Course meets every MWF 10:00-10:50 in Room #8___

III. Prerequisite:

Introduction to Microeconomics

IV. Required textbooks:

1. Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics. A Modern Approach

2. Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics. A Modern Approach – Workouts

V. Supplementary readings (available on Moodle):

Pindyck, R., and D. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics

VI. Course Description:

Microeconomics is the study of individual economic units, such as households and firms, and how they interact to make trades and to determine prices. We attempt to understand these economic units by constructing what we think are reasonable representations of how they behave when confronted with economic decisions. Given these models of economic behavior, we can analyze the workings of the economy and the effects of policy. The scope of the issues one can study with microeconomic tools is limitless.

VII. Course Objectives:


The primary objective of this course is to develop and understand these tools and to prepare students to take more advanced courses in economics like Industrial Organization, Public Finance, and Econometrics. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that this is a course about economic theory with the main purpose of sharpening your analytical skills as economists.

VIII. Math Requirements:


Graphs, formulas, and derivatives will be important elements in this class.


IX. Homework and Exams:


The course grade will be based upon the student’s performance on practice problem sets, attendance, three midterm exams, and a final exam. Practice problems will be assigned every week. Practice problems are designed to give the students the opportunity to review and enhance the material learned in class.


No make-up exams will be given. Allocation of the weight for a missed mid-term exam to other course components may be granted only on medical grounds and upon presentation of a duly signed medical report. Any unverified absence on the exam will result in a zero grade for that exam.


X. Grading:


The final grade will be a weighted average of three midterm exams (20% each) and a comprehensive final exam (40%).

XI. Notes:


  1. Make yourself familiar with NU Student Code and Disciplinary Procedures.
  2. Questions regarding grading of an exam must be received by me no later than one week after the exam has been handed back. After one week no appeals will be considered.
  3. If your cell phone rings during class 1% will be subtracted from your overall course grade for each instance of phone ringing.
  4. Workouts are crucial to the understanding of the material. They will be used by many other students in the future. Do not put any marks in the Workouts and do all practice problems in a separate notebook.
  5. Any student who does not have an attendance rate of 80% or better will not be permitted to sit for the final examination. A student arriving more than ten minutes late will be considered absent from that day's class meeting.

XII. Course Outline (Tentative, subject to change)

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