Студопедия — B. Rigid liferafts
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B. Rigid liferafts

i. Rigid liferafts shall comply with the requirements of section 4.1 and, in addition, shall comply with the requirements of this section.


ii. Construction of rigid liferafts


1. The buoyancy of the liferaft shall be provided by approved inherently buoyant material placed as near as possible to the periphery of the liferaft. The buoyant material shall be fire-retardant or be protected by a fire-retardant covering.

2. The floor of the liferaft shall prevent the ingress of water and shall effectively support the occupants out of the water and insulate them from cold.


iii. Carrying capacity of rigid liferafts

The number of persons which it liferaft shall be permitted to accommodate shall be equal to the lesser of:

7.1.1 the greatest whole number obtained by dividing by 0.096 the volume, measured in cubic metres, of the buoyancy material multiplied by a factor of 1 minus the specific gravity of that material; or

7.1.2 the greatest whole number obtained by dividing by 0.372 the horizontal cross-sectional area of the floor of the liferaft measured in square metres; or

7.1.3 the number of persons having an average mass of 75 kg, all wearing immersion suits and lifejackets, that can be seated with sufficient comfort and headroom without interfering with the operation of any of the liferaft's equipment.


iv. Access into rigid liferafts

1. At least one entrance shall be fitted with a rigid boarding ramp to enable persons to hoard the liferaft from the sea. In the case of a davit-launched liferaft having more than one entrance, the hoarding ramp shall be fitted at the entrance opposite to the bowsing and embarkation facilities.

2. Entrances not provided with a boarding ramp shall have a boarding ladder, the lowest step of which shall be situated not less than 0.4 m below the liferaft's light waterline.

3. There shall be means inside the liferaft to assist persons to pull themselves into the liferaft from the ladder.


v. Stability of rigid liferafts


1. Unless the liferaft is capable of operating safely whichever way up it is floating, its strength and stability shall be such that it is either self-righting or can be readily righted in a seaway and in calm water by one person.

2. The stability of a liferaft when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment shall be such that it can be lowed at speeds of up to 3 knots in calm water.


vi. Marking on rigid liferafts

The liferaft shall be marked with:

7 name and port of registry of the ship to which it belongs;

8 maker's name or trade mark;

9 serial number;

10 name of approving authority;

11 number of persons it is permitted lo accommodate over each entrance in characters not less than 100 mm in height of a colour contrasting with that of the liferaft;


13 type of emergency pack enclosed;

14 length of painter;

15 maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline (drop-test height); and

16 launching instructions.

vii. Davit launched rigid liferafts

In addition to the above requirements, a rigid liferaft for use with an approved launching appliance shall, when suspended from its lifting hook or bridle, withstand a load of four times the mass of its full complement of persons and equipment.



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