Студопедия — Indefinite Pronouns
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Indefinite Pronouns

Ex 120. Insert some or any where necessary.

1. My teacher lives... distance away from the school. 2. You should buy... new clothes for the New Year, I think. 3. Ruth still has... doubts about her marriage, but her boyfriend John hasn't got any. 4. Mum was sure we had... honey left. At breakfast it turned out we didn't have.... 5. — Has there been... discussion of the project? — Yes,... people are against it, I'm sorry to say. 6. There must be... way to get in touch with them, but so far I haven't found.... 7. — Is there... reliable source of information you'll use in your investigation, inspector? — I definitely have..., though I am not going to reveal... to you, sir. 8.... people hate seafood. 9. Let's talk about it... other time. 10. There aren't... markets on Monday. 11. — There is... dust on the furniture. — Oh, I haven't got... time for this. 12. — Do you speak... French? — No, but I speak... English.


Ex.121. Comment on the use of some or any in the following sentences.

1. Could I get you some fresh orange juice? I have just made some. 2. Yesterday I left the house without any money. 3. The council refused to give the designer any financial help. 4. Can I offer you some wine? 5. Any of the staff could have helped you. 6. If you have any questions, call me. 7. Shall I send you some other files? 8. There was never any question that she would leave her job. 9. Jackie hardly ever has any doubts about her abilities. 10. Could you buy some cheese in town? 11. There is seldom any world news on this channel. 12. The detective failed to find any further evidence. 13. Is there any water in the jug? 14. Would you like some juice?

Ex. 122. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. People usually have some free time on weekends. 2. Some of my friends also teach English. 3. There is some snow in the streets. 4. Wait, I'll make some coffee for us. 5. There's some soup left. 6.1 think I need some help. 7. She has some relatives in England. 8. Some people are so annoying! 9. We have some new contracts this year. 10.1 can get you some bread when I go shopping.


Ex. 123. Insert some or any where necessary.

1. Irene's parents are... doctors. 2.... doctors, like dentists, frighten me. 3. Could you lend me... money? 4.... money is very important in this life. 5.... cars parked in this area will be removed by the police. 6. If you have... old books that you don't need any longer, could you bring them to our library. 7. This car hardly uses... petrol. 8. Would you like... brandy? 9. My mother bakes cakes with... brandy in them. 10. Do you like... olives? 11. Are there... olives left? 12. Mushrooms should be gathered with care as... can be very poisonous. 13. You'll like this new chocolate. Shall I save... for you? 14.... of his paintings would sell for big money today. 15. Do you ever read... papers? 16. He hardly ever reads... papers. 17.... papers are really boring.


Ex. 124. Translate into English.

1. В этом году Татьяна посадила у себя на даче кое-какие цветы, но не сажала никаких овощей. 2. — Есть ли смысл в том, что он говорит? — По-моему, никако­го. Любой это тебе скажет. 3. Я обычно отдыхаю с не­которыми из своих друзей. 4. У него нет никаких при­чин сердиться на нее. 5. Врач считает, что в состоя­нии больного есть некоторые улучшения. 6. У нас в доме редко бывают гости. Пригласим кого-нибудь? 7. У вас были какие-нибудь проблемы с налогами в про­шлом году? Я помню, вы говорили, что они у вас были. 8. Она редко читает газеты; говорит, что некоторые новости ее просто убивают. 9. Любое из его стихотво­рений — шедевр. 10. Не могли бы вы принести немно­го мела? 11. Любой студент знает, как труден путь к знаниям, хотя некоторые все же надеются на удачу. 12. — Мне нравится некоторая популярная музыка. А мне никакая не нравится. 13. Хочешь послушать какую-нибудь музыку? 14. Любой врач скажет вам, что курение вредно. 15. — Хочешь орешков с изюмом? — Да, орехи с фруктами очень полезны. 16. Я согласен встретиться с вами в любое время, в любом месте.


Ex. 125. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one I body I thing I where.

1. Never trust... with such manners. 2. Let me see if there is... we can do for you. 3. Is there... at home? 4. If... happens to the car, how shall I get to the country? 5. There should be... behind all this. 6. Barbara was a teacher from... near Newcastle. 7. Emily refuses to have... to do with Jim. 8. Shall I bring you... to drink? 9. Nobody can find out... about that man. 10. Yesterday we couldn't find you.... Where were you? 11. Hardly... knew how to respond to this. 12. Many people think that the bad weather has... to do with all the satellites in space. 13. You're wrong. There's... strange about the man. He is a decent chap. 14. — What's the matter? —... is the matter. 15. We looked for a policeman, but there was... around. 16. — Do you have any clue to this? —... whatsoever. 17.1 answered every single question. My opponent answered.... 18.... of us understood the play. 19. Mind, I'm having... of that language here! 20. Don't be so nosy! It's... of your business. 21.... comes to those who hustle while he waits. (Thomas A.Edison) 22.... should believe in.... 23. Kindness, I've discovered, is.... 24. Considering how dangerous... is,... is really very frightening. (Gertrude Stein)

Ex. 126. Read the following just for fun.

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