Студопедия — Methods. The following rules outline the naming guidelines for methods:
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Methods. The following rules outline the naming guidelines for methods:

The following rules outline the naming guidelines for methods:

Ø Use verbs or verb phrases to name methods.

Ø Use Pascal case.

Ø Do not add information about parameter types in method name (use overloading instead).

The following are examples of correctly named methods.





The following rules outline the naming guidelines for properties:

Ø Use a noun or noun phrase to name properties.

Ø Use Pascal case.

For example:





The following rules outline the naming guidelines for events:

Ø Use Pascal case.

Ø Use an EventHandler suffix on event handler names.

Ø Specify two parameters named sender and e. The sender parameter represents the object that raised the event. The sender parameter is always of type System.Object, even if it is possible to use a more specific type. The state associated with the event is encapsulated in an instance of an event class named e. Use an appropriate and specific event class for the e parameter type.

Ø Name an event argument class with the EventArgs suffix.

Ø Consider naming events with a verb. For example, correctly named event names include Clicked, Painting, and DroppedDown.

Ø Use a gerund (the "ing" form of a verb) to create an event name that expresses the concept of pre-event, and a past-tense verb to represent post-event. For example, a close event that can be canceled should have a Closing event and a Closed event. Do not use the BeforeXxx/AfterXxx naming pattern.

Ø Do not use a prefix or suffix on the event declaration on the type. For example, use Close instead of OnClose.

Ø In general, you should provide a protected method called OnXxx on types with events that can be overridden in a derived class. This method should only have the event parameter e, because the sender is always the instance of the type.

The following example illustrates an event handler with an appropriate name and parameters:

delegate void MouseEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);

The following example illustrates a correctly named event argument class:

public class MouseEventArgs: EventArgs


int x;

int y;


public MouseEventArgs(int x, int y)


this.x = x;

this.y = y;



public int X




return x;




public int Y




return y;




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