Студопедия — Тheme №1: Goals and objectives of medical microbiology in the activities of a dentist. Fundamentals of morphology and physiology of microorganisms. Microbiocenosis mouth.
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Тheme №1: Goals and objectives of medical microbiology in the activities of a dentist. Fundamentals of morphology and physiology of microorganisms. Microbiocenosis mouth.

Goals:The purpose of this lecture is to develop students knowledge that studies discipline medical microbiology, what the methods uses of research and diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases; to the concept of micro-organisms and their classifications, major morphological features of eukaryotes, prokaryotes, viruses, and their differences, the physiology of microorganisms on basic life support systems bakatery, cultivation techniques, types of food, breathing, especially growth and reproduction, as well as well as the importance of Microbiology in the activities of a dentist.


Microbiology - the science which studies microorganisms and their biological traits, taxonomy, ecology, relationships with other organisms (humans, plants, animals). Basic knowledge of microbiology, virology and immunology, and the ability to use them in practice will allow a dentist:

nto diagnose the disease process / disorder, conduct a competent examination of the patient, to appoint an effective therapy effectively conduct relapse prevention, the dentist should know the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of the nature of microbial lesions in the mouth. In addition, profound knowledge of the nature of microbial lesions need a dentist to take timely and biosecurity measures. When providing dental care to unqualified doctor who violates the rules of disinfection and sterilization regime and biosecurity can infect the patient and himself infectious disease (syphilis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, herpes, etc.), thus contributing to the spread of infection among the population.

nconsider infringements of normal microflora (dysbiosis), immunodeficiency, autoimmune and allergic conditions with treatment of the underlying disease; overcome the problems of immunological compatibility between mother and fetus, the recipient and the donor;

nknow health problems and environmental microbiology;

n use immunobiological and antimicrobials in preventive and curative work.

Systematics - the science of the diversity of species, explained the position of species in the system.

Classification - the distribution of microbes with similar characteristics into groups (taxa)

Tucson - a unit of classification: species, genus, family, order, class, department, realm.

Pathogenic, opportunistic, non-pathogenic microbes. Basic forms: cocci, bacilli, spiral bacteria. Other microorganisms: Mycoplasma, actinomycetes, Rickettsia, Chlamydia.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 508. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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