Студопедия — Test of programming languages
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Test of programming languages


1 For what operating system was originally created by the C language?
a) Windows

b) Unix

c) MacOS
d) Linux

e) Dos

f) Android

2 Which of these languages ​​are high-level languages?
a) C++

b) Си

c) C#
d) Java

e) Fortran

f) assembler

3 What do you call a tool that converts the source code into an executable file?
a) compiler

b) CPU

c) debugger
d) compiler

e) optimizer

f) garbage

4As a sequence of steps to solve the problem?
a) process

b) pseudo

c) block diagram
d) program

e) code

f) algorithm

5As a language, similar to the programming language?
a) process

b) pseudo

c) block diagram
d) program

e) code

f) algorithm

6 Which of the following commands pseudo suitable for display?
a) goto

b) output

c) print
d) display

e) input

f) get

7How many entry points can have a flow chart?
a) 1

b) 2

c) 3
d) 4

e) 5

f) any number of

8How operands is a binary operator?
a) 1

b) 2

c) 3
d) 4

e) 5

f) any number of

9 How operands is a unary operator?
a) 1

b) 2

c) 3
d) 4

e) 5

f) any number of

10How to set a single-line comment in C?
a) /*…*/

b) {…}

c) (…)
d) //…

e) […]

f) <…>

11How to set a multi-line comment in C?
a) /*…*/

b) {…}

c) (…)
d) //…

e) […]

f) <…>

12Mark the correct identifikators.
a) int

b) _1

c) $x
d) int1

e) 1float

f) xyz

13 What is a qualifier for the number in octal calculation?
a) %x

b) %o

c) %g
d) %d

e) %f

f) %s

14What is a qualifier for a real number?
a) %x

b) %o

c) %c
d) %d

e) %f

f) %s

15C language is case sensitive.
a) yes

b) no

16As indicated by the modulo operation in C?
a) div

b) /

c) /=
d) mod

e) %

f) &

17Can start with a numeric identifier?
a) yes

b) no

18That will lead the next program:
float x = 10/3;
printf("%f", x);?
a) 3.333333

b) 3.000000

c) 3
d) 3.33

e) 4

f) 3.333

19Does a C empty type?
a) yes

b) no

20What operation can be increased by one variable x?
a) x+1

b) x++

c) x+
d) x=+1

e) x++1

f) +1x

21What preprocessor can create a constant?
a) #include

b) #constant

c) #new
d) #create

e) #make

f) #define

22 What special character moves the cursor to a new line?
a) \n

b) \t

c) \r
d) \ln

e) \newline

f) \a

23As indicated by a real type in C?
a) int

b) real

c) string
d) char

e) float

f) void

24As indicated by an integer type in C?
a) int

b) real

c) integer
d) char

e) float

f) void

25As translated into English by the word variable?
a) integer

b) character

c) variable
d) type

e) string

f) length

26How many bits in a byte?
a) 2

b) 4

c) 6
d) 8

e) 10

f) 16

27What is the number 10 in the binary system?
a) 1111111111

b) 1010

c) 100
d) 10

e) 101

f) 110

28As translated into English by the word line?
a) integer

b) character

c) variable
d) type

e) string

f) length

29 What is the comparison operation is "not equal»?
a) <>

b) =!

c) <=
d) > <


f) >=

30What is the logic operation "or»?
a) or

b) &

c) ||
d) and

e) &&

f) ~

31What is the logical operation "and»?
a) or

b) &

c) ||
d) and

e) &&

f) ~

32What is a qualifier for the string?
a) %x

b) %o

c) %c
d) %d

e) %f

f) %s

33What is a qualifier for a decimal?
a) %x

b) %o

c) %c
d) %d

e) %f

f) %s

34 What do you call a library of mathematical functions?
a) numbers.h

b) math.h

c) stdio.h
d) mathematics.h

e) calculations.h

f) stdafx.h

35What is a qualifier for the octal?
a) %x

b) %o

c) %c
d) %d

e) %f

f) %s


36. The programming language C + + developed

o Ken Thompson

o Niklaus Wirth
o Bjarne Stroustrup
o Donald Knuth


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