Студопедия — The likelihood of birdstrike varies depending on the level, the location and the time of year.
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The likelihood of birdstrike varies depending on the level, the location and the time of year.

The greatest risk of birdstrike is
below 1000 ft above GND
, with decreasing risk
between 1000 ft and 5000 ft.

The risk above 5000 ft is much less but there is still some risk from migrating geese or other large birds,which have been encountered above 20000 ft.The risk is also higher in spring and autumn.



In the event of birdstrike, REMEMBER:

· Follow the ASSIST code of practice

A 'Acknowledge' - S 'Separate' - S 'Silence' - I 'Inform' - S 'Support - T 'Time'

(See the ASSIST panel on the bottom left for further information.)

· FIND OUT i f the pilot can still control the aircraft

· Allow a LONG FINAL if requested

· CHECK RWY if birdstrike is during or after take-off

IF NEEDED:(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced. Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)

(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced.
Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)

(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced.
Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)

(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced.
Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)




Brake or anti-skid problems are usually caused by hydraulic failure.

It should be noted that this doesn't usually require urgent measures unless the aircraft has started approach.

The landing distance available may be insufficient and there will be an increased probability of tyre burst. If a tyre burst occurs, this could result in damage to other parts of the aircraft.



As the landing distance may be increased, the pilot can be expected to request the longest RWY possible.

The wheels may become damaged and the aircraft may swerve off the RWY, or overrun it at the far end. It is also possible that with damaged wheels, the RWY and/or the safety strip may become blocked.






In the event of brake problems, REMEMBER:







In the event of brake problems, REMEMBER:



















A controlled flight experiencing communication failure in Visual Meteorological Conditions shall:

· set transponder to A7600

· continue to fly in VMC

· land at the nearest suitable aerodrome

· report its arrival time by the most expeditious means to the appropriate ATS unit


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