Студопедия — Chapters 3-4 Before you read
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Chapters 3-4 Before you read

6 Discuss how these characters are probably feeling and why.

the Prime Minister Jamie Billy and Joe Daniel and Sam Peter and Juliet

While you read 7 Put these events in the order in which they happen in the story. Number them 1-6.

a Jamie arrives in France.

b The Prime Minister learns more about Natalie.

c Sam tells Daniel that he is in love.

d Television viewers complain about Billy.

e Harry finds that he has feelings for Mia.

f Juliet asks for Mark's help.

After you read 8 Whose job is it to: a bring tea and biscuits to the Prime Minister? b organize Fairtrade's Christmas party? c look after Sam? d run an art gallery? e clean Jamie's house in France?

9 Discuss these questions. What do you think? a How does the Prime Minister see Britain's relationship with the US? b Why does Mark find it so difficult to talk to Juliet? c What communication problems do Jamie and Aurelia have? How could they communicate better?

Chapters 5-6 Before you read 10 Discuss the person that you are most interested in. What has happened to them? What do you think will happen next?

While you read 11 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a The US President is a married man.

b The Prime Minister is Karen's uncle.

c Karen's husband runs Fairtrade.

d Jamie is a writer.

e Juliet is in love with Mark.

f Sam loves a girl called Josephine.

g Karl knows Sarah's brother.

h Harry buys his wife a necklace.

After you read 12 Answer the questions.

a How does the Prime Minister's attitude to the US President change? Why? b Why does Karen feel that her life is not very meaningful? c Why can't Jamie just print off another copy of his book? d How does Mark feel while watching the wedding video with Juliet? Why? e How does Sam plan to win Joanna's heart? f Why does Sarah always answer her phone when her brother calls? g Why does Harry become so anxious in the shop?

13 Discuss these statements. How true are they, in your opinion? a 'I'm not sure politics and women go together.’

b 'If a friend bullies us, he stops being our friend.’

c 'There isn't just one person for each of us.’

d 'Christmas shopping - never an easy or a pleasant job.'

14 Britain is 'a country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter, David Beckham's right foot - and David Beckham's left foot.' Who are, or were, these famous Britons? How would you describe your country, with similar humour?

Chapters 7-9 Before you read

15 Di scuss how these people are feeling at this point, and why.

the Prime Minister Natalie Harry Karen Mia Jamie Aurelia Mark Juliet Daniel Sam Billy Karl Sarah

While you read 16 Complete each sentence.

a Harry gives Karen a.................

b Billy's record reaches number...

c Jamie gives his family..............

d Mark uses............. to explain his feelings to Juliet.

e Billy prefers to be in Joe's......... than Elton John's house.

f Natalie takes the Prime Minister to a school...........

g While Joanna sings, Sam plays the...............

h At the airport, Joanna gives him a...................

i Jamie asks Aurelia to marry him in a Portuguese...............

After you read 17 At the end of the book, which of these people are arriving in Britain? Who is waiting for them? Which people are meeting their friends? Who are they meeting? Joe Mark Harry Sam the Prime Minister 18 Work in pairs. Have this conversation.

Student A: You are a radio DJ. Interview Billy Mack about his successful record and his plans for the future.

Student B: You are Billy Mack. Answer the DJ's questions.

19 Discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers.

a Who has behaved worst in this story? Who has behaved best?

b Is Karen right to stay with Harry? c Was Daniel right to take Sam's feelings for Joanna seriously?

d Do you think Daniel should tell Carol about his interest in Claudia Schiffer?

e Where should Jamie and Aurelia live? In his country, her country or the country where they met?

f Can a prime minister keep a new girlfriend happy and do his job?

Writing 20 Imagine that you are Harry and you are away from home on a business trip. Write to Karen and tell her how sorry you are for hurting her. Tell her why your relationship with her is important to you.

21 Imagine that you are Sam or Joanna (on holiday in the US). Write explaining your feelings and saying what you have been doing.

22Write the Prime Minister's report to his ministers, explaining why you have decided that the special relationship between Britain and the US must change. (Don't include Natalie's name!)

23 Write a postcard from Jamie to his brother from France, about Aurelia and the book. Decide whether or not to write about Katya.

24Write about the Christmas concert for a school newspaper. Say how good it was and thank everybody who helped with it.

25What did you like about this book? What did you not like? Which story/characters, did you like best? Why?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 599. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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