Студопедия — A brief account of this is also given in Bapt. Hist., page 461.
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A brief account of this is also given in Bapt. Hist., page 461.

From the above words quoted by us from Augustine, it certainly appears that at the time when said Victorinus was baptized, there existed even in Rome, where this baptism took place, churches which, notwithstanding antichrist began to lift up his head there in some measure, endeavored with all diligence to observe the true baptism of Jesus Christ, which is administered upon faith. For, the statement, that in Rome, that is, in the church which is. spoken of here, was the custom, that those who prepared themselves for baptism, learned, for their confession, a customary formula, and then delivered it from an elevated place in the presence of all the Christians, incontrovertibly indicates that there the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ was still observed in this respect.

Matt. 10:32, "Whosoever therefore," says Christ,"shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven." Again, Rom. 10:10, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." This faith and this confession are necessary to baptism. Acts 8:37; 22:16.

Bapt. Hist., page 459; Vicecom., lib. 3, cap. 24. At the time of Augustine, that is, at the time of the afore-mentioned Victorinus, when virtue and Christian simplicity were still reigning, the examinations of the catechumens were conducted with much strictness, and great frequency, in the night watches of the believers, as is shown by his words. Lib. 2, de Symbola ad Catechum., cap. 1.

A. D. 402.-Synesius Syrenus, an upright, pious man, became, from a heathen, a Christian; was baptized by Theophilus, and afterwards appointed by him bishop of Ptolemais. P. J. Twisck, Chron., 5th book, page 138, col. 1, from Evagrius, lib. 1, cap. 15. Mer., fol. 334.

It is true, that it is stated of Synesius Syrenus, that his faith was not perfect with regard to all the parts of the Christian religion, concerning which historians specially mention one particular point; but it is also stated that Bishop Theophilus, who baptized him, was in hopes, that, in the course of time, he would judge better on this point, which, it seems was also the case, since, as it is stated, Theophilus afterwards appointed him bishop of Ptolemais.

However, we would not commend this part of the matter, namely, to baptize any one without perfect faith or confession, especially if an essential point is wanting; but this we commend, that not children, but adult persons, who are commended as pious are baptized, and, from heathen, desire to become Christians, as is stated to have been the case here.

A. D. 406.-At this time it was resolved at Carthage,"That the candidates shall give in their names, and after they shall have been examined long, and diligently tried, with the imposition of hands, they shall be baptized." Also, "That a bishop, before he be allowed to minister, shall be well examined in doctrine and life." Also, "That fellowship with the excommunicated shall be avoided, and the penitent received back again." P. J. Twisck, Chron., 5th book, page 139, col. 2, from Grond. Bew., letter B. B. halent. Beyer, fol. 603. Also, Bapt. Hist., page 447. ex Conc. Carth. 4, cap. 88.

Here applies the annotation of P. J. Twisck, in Chron., 5th book, page 153, col. 1: "In the fourth council of Carthage," he writes,"it was decreed that applicants for baptism shall first be examined for a long time, shall abstain for a time from wine and meat, and, having been diligently tried with

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