Студопедия — Summary B
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Summary B


1 Put in the missing words.

1. She doesn't sing as well.................. me.

2. Your pronunciation is a lot better.................. mine.

3. The meeting is at the same time.................. last week.

4. My sister's personality is very different.................. mine.

5. 'I didn't like the film much.' 'Neither.................. I.'

6. 'Would you like to come to a party tomorrow?' 'I'd love...................'

7. A good motorbike costs nearly as much.................. a car.

8. 'Did anything interesting happen?' 'I don't think...................'

9. I need some stuff.................. cleaning silver.

10. 'I haven't got anything to wear.' 'What.................. your blue dress?'

11. Why.................. you borrow something of mine?

12. '.................. I iron it for you?' 'Well, thanks very much. If you really don't...................'


2 Choose the correct word.

1. Where's my/mine brother gone?

2. You can't take that bike. It's my/mine.

3. Ann and Johnny's garden is much nicer than our/ours.

4. 'Whose is that coat?' 'Your/Yours.'

5. They're nice people, but I don't like their/theirs friends.

6. Jane lost all her/hers baggage when she went to America.

7. If you show me your/yours holiday photos, I'll show you my/mine.


3 Put in got where it is correct.

1. Have you.................. a light?

2. Goodbye. Have.................. a good holiday.

3. I usually have.................. lunch at one o'clock.

4. Excuse me. Have you.................. the time?

5. I've.................. three brothers.

6. Have you.................. a few minutes? I'd like to have.................. a talk with you.

7. 'What's the matter?' 'I've.................. a headache.'

8.My parents have.................. a small farm in Yorkshire.

9.Hello. Nice to see you. Sit down and have.................. a drink.

10. She always has.................. a bath before she goes to bed.


4 Write a short story using at least seven of the words from the box.



Christmas helicopter beard window pram shoe police station stuff

recognise laugh expensive unusual mme less



5 Read this with a dictionary.



I am not you- but you will not give me a chance,

will not let me be me.

'If I were you-' but you know

I am not you,

yet you will not let me be me.


You meddle, interfere in my affairs

as if they were yours and you were me.

You are unfair, unwise, foolish to think

that I can be you, talk, act

and think like you.

God made me. He made you. For God's sake

let me be me.


(Roland Tombekai Dempster)



"But you're special to me, darling.";





6 Try the crossword.





1. The opposite of more.

6. Very small person.

8. Hello (informal).

9. Have you got some..................

for cleaning windows?

12. 'Idon't agree with him.'

'.................. do I.'

14. The opposite of under.

15. What's.................. phone


.................. I.' 35. 'I'm tired.' 'So.................. I.'
18. I am in spoken English. 36. The past of eat.
19. She speaks a lot............. 37. Will not.


17. 'I like this music.' 'So



21. 'What's the..................?'

'I've got a headache.'


23. It's white and it falls from the sky.

25. Not this.

26. 'What's your favourite colour?' '...................'

28. One more time.

32. His eyes are the same colour

.................. mme.

33. Not any.

34. Children make a lot of


38. You can write with it.


1. Could you.................. me your


2. It travels on the sea.

3. Please come in and..................


4. 'We haven't got any glasses.'

'It doesn't matter. We'll

.................. cups.'

5. 'Shall I help you?' '.................. you really don't mind.'

7. It can fly.

10................... the crossword.

11. I've been here.................. about six weeks.

13. The place where you live.

16. 'Could I borrow your pen?'

'.................. course.'

18. What time is..................?

19. 'Where's my glass?' '.................. the piano.'

20. The postman has just brought a letter.................. you.

21. 'What does post-structural

..................?' 'Ihave no idea.'

22. It travels on land, on rails.

23. You put this on a letter.

24. The past of go.

25. 'How was the party?' 'Not

bad. Better.................. usual.'

27. Ann likes opera, and so

.................. her boyfriend.

29. The present of 24 down.

30. 'Jake isn't here yet.' 'Neither

.................. Sonia.'

31. Not old.

36. 'What's her job?' 'She's

.................. elephant trainer.'



"Come in, Ferguson. We were just talking about you.";


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