Студопедия — Tasks of training.
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Tasks of training.

- The Student should know definition of concepts «political culture» and «political socialization»;

- The Student should be able to analyze structure and the basic types of political culture.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Political culture: concept and structure.

2. Functions and typology of political culture.

3. Concept and the basic features of political socialization.

5. Methods of training and teaching: seminar employment is spent by a technique of " small groups». The educational group will be divided into three subgroups where each of subgroups, specializing on one of questions by the plan should cover it. On employment also will be heard following abstracts: «Concepts of political culture», «Features of modern Kazakhstan political culture». In the conclusion of employment the teacher will summer up and expose estimations.

6. The literature:

1 Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. Kapesova M.K.- Almaty, 1995.

2 Politics. Educational-methodical posobie- Almaty, 1995.

3 Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. prof. Mustafina Almaty, 1994.

4.Grigorev VK Course of lectures on politologii- Almaty, 1997.

5 Kozlov, Yu Buluktaev Politics: Tutorial-Almaty, 1995.

5. Control questions:

1. Define the concepts "culture" and «political culture».

2. How are they connected with political system?

3. What is the structure of political culture?

4. Name functions of political culture.

5. Give the characteristic to the basic types of political culture (on D.Almond).

6. What is the feature of modern Kazakhstan political culture?

7. What is «the political socialization» is?

8. Name the basic features of political socialization?

1. Theme13: Political elites and political leadership

2. The aim: to fix student knowledge of political leadership essence and the theory of elite; to learn the student to focus in scientific approaches of the theory of elite.

3. Tasks of training: knowledge of essence of political elite and leadership. Skill to distinguish classical theories of political elite, the basic types of political leadership. Skill to analyze modern tendencies of political elite.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Concept of political elite. Classical theories of elite.

2. The nature of political leadership. Typology and functions of political leaders.

3. Political elite of modern Kazakhstan

5. Methods of training and teaching: employment is spent by a traditional technique. After oral interrogation on 1 and 2 questions students discuss the third question about problems of political elite formation in Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Besides the presentation of the abstract takes place in the conclusion on a theme: «Bureaucratism as a political phenomenon».

6. The literature:

1 Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5.Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

5. Control questions:

1. Define the concept «political elite»?

2. Who is the author of classical theories of elite?

3. Open the maintenance of classical theories of elite.

4. What is the nature of political leadership?

5. Name criteria of classification and types of political leadership.

6. What are the functions of political leaders?

7. What is the feature of formation of political elite of Kazakhstan?



1. Theme14: The world politics and international relations.

2. The aim: to fix student knowledge about essence of world politics and a system of international relations; to get skills in the analysis of various types of the international relations; to consider features of Kazakhstan foreign policy.

3. Tasks of training: The Student should know the definition of concepts: "world politics", «the international relations», «subjects of the international relations», "foreign policy", etc.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Concept of world politics. System of the international relations.

2. Subjects of the international relations.

1. Types and kinds of the international relations.

5. Methods of training and teaching: Seminar is spent in traditional technique with elements of innovative technologies (presentation, a glossary). There will be heard and discussed questions by the plan at the class, and then the presentation of the abstract on theme: «Foreign policy of RК, its multivector character» will take place too. In the conclusion the glossary on categorial concepts on the given theme is lead.

6. The literature:

1 Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5.Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

5. Control questions:

1. What does the concept "world politics" mean?

2. Define the concept «the international relations»?

3. What subjects of the international relations do you know?

4. What are the basic tendencies in development of the international relations system at the present stage?

5. What types and kinds of the international relations do you know?

6. What principles are based on relations between subjects of the international relations?

7. Name the aim and the basic directions in Kazakhstan foreign policy.


1. Theme15: The global problems of the present.

2. The aim: To fix knowledge about maintenance of global problems at the present and a way of their decision by the international community; to consider a place and a role of Kazakhstan in system of global problems.

3. Tasks of training: The Student should know the definition of concept «global problems of the present;

The student should be able to distinguish types of global problems and ways of their decision

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Concept of global problems of the present. Types of global problems.

2. The International cooperation in the decision of global problems.

3. Kazakhstan in a system of global problems of the present.

5. Methods of training and teaching: The combination of traditional methods with elements of modern technologies of training (drawing up of the graphological scheme on the first question) will take place; on the second question- oral interrogation and discussion, on third -the discussion, devoted to the international cooperation of Kazakhstan in the decision of sociopolitical, social and economic, environmental problems.


6. The literature:

1 Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5.Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

5. Control questions:

1. What are the main problems facing to mankind?

2. Why some problems have named the global? What is their specificity?

3. What is the role played by the international cooperation in the decision of global problems?

4. What states and the international organizations does Kazakhstan closely cooperate for the decision of economic and environmental problems?


1. Theme16: Political problems of sovereign Kazakhstan.

2. The aim: To fix student knowledge on the problems of becoming of independence in RК; to learn revealing features of political modernization at the present stage of the Kazakhstan society development.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 425. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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