Студопедия — VI. Write an essay on one of the following topics. Present it in class using the map.
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VI. Write an essay on one of the following topics. Present it in class using the map.

Питання для опрацювання:

1. Типологія творчості П. Меріме.

2. Новели з «місцевим колоритом»: загальні ознаки («Матео Фальконе», «Таманго», «Коломба», «Кармен» та інші).

3. Своєрідність композиції новели «Кармен».

4. Правдивість зображення місцевого колориту і справжнього іспанського характеру

5. Характеристика Кармен і Хосе.

6. Художні особливості новели.

7. Образ Кармен у світовому мистецтві.



1. Анненкова О.С. Зарубіжна література ХІХ століття: європейська реалістична проза 1830-1880-х років. – К.: Знання України, 2006. – С. 380-390.

2. Анненкова А.С. Французька література ХІХ століття: від Стендаля до Мопассана. – К., 2008.

3. Кравець Я. У пошуках суспільного ідеалу // Всесвіт. – 1989. - № 12.

4. Фрестье Ж. Проспер Мериме. – М., 1987.

5. Яновський Ю. Проспер Меріме. Життя і творчість. – К., 1976.




The manual is designed for the students of the English department in full accordance with the requirements of the current syllabus and curriculum.

The primary objective is to help the students to be an autonomous learner of the Country Studies. To this effect, the manual contains practical advice on how to organize learning effectively; it will guide the students in their study of the subject.

The tasks are aimed at enhancing the interest for the deep insight into the topics posed. The points for discussion focus the students’ attention at the important aspects of British and American life, and stimulate comparative, intercultural perspectives.

In addition, at each stage of the course, the students are encouraged to bring their own knowledge, ideas and experience to the work in hand, and to discuss them with the other students and the teacher.

Finally, the students are required to compile the portfolio on the subject. The aim is to develop their research skills through a thorough survey of the topics, and to provide them with the information they may need in their future job.

The manual contains the tasks on five topics for the USA and the UK: the historical outline and the geographical position; the population, its national identity and general characteristics; the economy and welfare; the educational system.

The manual contains the list of requirements for the portfolio on the subject.

The test in the end of the manual is designed to motivate the students to study the subject and check their basic knowledge.






I. Present an outline of the events going on in Britain this week.


II. Study the stages of historical formation of the UK according to the following outline. Provide each stage with the key-words and expressions as done for Ancient Britain:

1. Ancient Britain (till 1066): the first inhabitants, The Celtic invasion, the Roman occupation, the Anglo-Saxon conquest, the struggle against the Danes, the Norman conquest and the establishment of feudalism.

2. The Middle Ages (1066-1485).

3. The Tudor Age (1485-1603).

4. The Stuart Age (1603-1714).

5. Empire and Industry (1714-1901).

6. The 20th century.

7. The stages of the formation of the United Kingdom.


III. Choose 10 events you think are most important in the British history and prove your choice. Make sure you can comment on the most important historic events.


IV. Prepare a card with 10 questions on the British history. The questions should be of different level of difficulty and each question is to be provided with four variants of answers (A, B, C, D), one of which is correct.


V. Study the geographical position of the UK according to the outline:

1. Characterize the coastline of the British Isles referring to the benefits of its identity.

2. Show on the map the main geographical features of the UK (surrounding islands, rivers, lakes, lowland areas, highland areas) and give a brief characteristic of them.

3. Speak on the British natural resources (coal, oil and gas, water, ferrous and non-ferrous metals).

4. Describe vegetation of the British Isles (the characteristics of woodland, agricultural land, areas of grassland, moorland, soils);

5. Speak on the British climate and weather (the basic factors in determining the main characteristics of the climate, features of the British climate).


VI. Write an essay on one of the following topics. Present it in class using the map.

1. The Coast.

2. Geography and the British Character.

3. Lowland Britain: a tourist paradise or a tourist trap?

4. Is Highland Britain really high?

5. The importance of rivers and canals in Britain.

6. Isles and islands and islets.

7. Great Britain and Russia: who is greater?

8. This Green and Pleasant Land.

9. When two Englishmen meet their first talk is of the weather.

10. Your own topic.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 724. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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