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1. Find equivalents of the following terms in Ukrainian. Give the definition of each of them:

kernel sentence (basic syntactic pattern, elementary sentence model, base sentence), derivational procedures (syntactic transformations), phrasalization, nominalization (complete and partial), clausalization, predicative functions, ‘lower’ and ‘higher’ predicative functions, predicative categories, predicatively (non-) loaded sentences, ‘light’ and ‘heavy’ predicative load

2. Use your own basic sentences to make up more complicated structures. Describe derivational procedures, clausalization and phrasalization in particular:

Example: He noticed a star; A star was falling. – (He noticed a star. The star was falling.) – A star was falling and he noticed it. - He noticed a star, which was failing. - He noticed a star falling. (The star was noticed falling.) - He noticed the falling of a star. - He noticed a falling star. (He noticed the fall of a star.)

3. Give your examples of non-predicatively-loaded, lightly-predicatively-loaded, and heavy- predicatively-loaded sentences.





1. Find equivalents of the following terms in Ukrainian. Give the definition of each of them:

polypredication, composite sentence, coordination (parataxis), subordination (hypotaxis), subordinative (dominational) polypredication, complex sentence, coordinative (equipotent) polypredication, compound sentence, principal clause, subordinate clause, leading clause, sequential clause, syndetic and asyndetic connections, cumulative (loose, detached) polypredication, cumulative construction, semi-composite sentence

2. Define the type of the following polypredicative contructions:

1) We turned up the radio, so that everyone could hear. 2) He left early; I saw him go. 3) I am afraid you’re wrong. 4) I have been invited to speak to you, so I must say a few words. 5) We consider him to be very trustworthy. 6) Will the people who are sitting at the back please move forward.




1. Find equivalents of the following terms in Ukrainian. Give the definition of each of them:

subordination (hypotaxis), matrix, insert sentence (embedded), principal/subordinate clause, functional types of subordinate clauses, categorial types of subordinate clauses, substantive-nominal, qualification-nominal and adverbial clauses, clauses of primary nominal positions (subject, predicative, and object clauses), clauses of secondary nominal positions (attributive clauses), clauses of adverbial positions, subordinators, pure conjunctions, pronominal/bifunctional connectors, the zero subordinator, “descriptive” and “restrictive” (“limiting”) attributive clauses, appositive clauses, antecedent, clauses of time and clauses of place, clauses of manner and comparison, clauses of circumstantial semantics (of attendant event, condition, cause (reason), consequence (result), concession, and purpose), introductory parenthetical clauses and deviational parenthetical clauses, depth of subordination perspective

2. Define the type of the subordinate clause, and a means of subordination:

1) ‘All you need is love… Love is all you need.’ 2) Why do you ask me what happened? 3) The strange thing is that they are disappointed. 4) We, who are perfect strangers here, should have been warned about it. 5) She manages such things much better than you do. 6) For all I know, she is a stranger here. 7) Your mother and father, as far as I remember, knew each other for twelve years before they were married.

3. Are the following parallel subordination homogeneous or heterogeneous? Point out depth of subordination perspective:

1) He is a man who can easily deceive and whom you cannot rely on. 2) The girl who held out the flowers was in a marvelous velvet dress, which was decorated with lace and braid. 3) I was at a loss why they refused to sign the document, which had been discussed at the meeting we had had three weeks before.




1. Find equivalents of the following terms in Ukrainian. Give the definition of each of them:

coordination (parataxis), compound sentence, leading clause, sequential clause, coordinators, conjunctions proper, adverbial coordinative connectors, zero coordinator, marked and unmarked coordination, adversative relations, disjunctive relations, causal-consequential relations, positive and negative copulative relations of events, pure copulative relations, enumerative relations, open and closed compound constructions

2. Analyze the type of a connector in the following compound sentences:

1) Roses are red and violets are blue and sugar is sweet and so are you. 2) There’s something awfully consoling about you, you make things so simple. 3) He had no children or near relations to be spared, so he did not fear publicity. 4) Either he had recovered from his panic of the night, or he pretended to have. 5) It has some limitations, but then what do you expect form a $100 computer? 6) He can’t be ill, or he wouldn’t have come. 7) The soup was cold, but otherwise the meal was excellent. 8) You’d better go now; otherwise you’ll miss your train.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 2050. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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