Студопедия — Conduct and Performance
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Conduct and Performance


29. Conduct and Performance [7]. Military officers serving as the United Nations Military Observers must display exemplary personnel and professional integrity. This implies international outlook and independence from direction from governments and organisations external to United Nations. The Military Observers must act with impartiality, maturity, high ethical standards, honesty and trustworthiness. All United Nations Military Observers assigned to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations shall comply with all rules, regulations, instructions, procedures and directives issued by the Secretary-General. They are required to sign the undertaking attached as Annex ‘C’. United Nations Military Observers are under the authority and direction of the Force Commander/Chief Military Observer and are answerable to him/her for the conduct and performance of their duties. In particular, all military personnel shall:


a. Conduct themselves at all times (both on and off duty) in a manner befitting their status as member of the Mission and carry out their duties and regulate their conduct solely with the interest of the United Nations in mind.


b. Refrain from any action incompatible with the international nature of their duties.


c. Respect the laws, regulations and customs of the host country, as well as international human rights standards and international humanitarian law and receive adequate training in these areas. In this connection, it is imperative that they demonstrate respect for the local population, in particular for vulnerable groups.


d. Exercise utmost discretion in respect of all matters of official business; do not communicate to any person any information known to them by reason of their official position; and not at anytime use such information to their private advantage. This obligation shall not cease after the tour of duty of the United Nations Military Observer.


e. Not seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of their duties from their respective governments or from any other authority external to the UN.


f. Not participate in exercises conducted by the armed forces of the host country or conducted by regional organisations on the territory of the host country.


30. Guidance for Personal Conduct. ‘We are United Nations Peacekeepers’, ‘Ten Rules – Code of Personal Conduct for Blue Helmets’ and ‘Guidance to Commanders of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Standards of Code of Conduct and Performance Criteria’ are attached as Annexes D, E and F, as general guidelines for personal conduct of the peacekeepers. Failure to meet these conduct and performance standards may lead to an early repatriation.

31. Performance Evaluation Reports. The United Nations peacekeeping missions will ensure that performance evaluation reports are prepared on all United Nations Military Observers at the end of their tour of duty. Such reports on Military Observers, down to and including the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, as well as reports on any officer whose performance of duties is assessed as 'unsatisfactory', will be forwarded to United Nations Headquarters for further submission to the national authorities concerned. The senior military officer of each Member State, in each mission, will send the reports of other Military Observers directly to his national authorities. Each officer must sign a copy of his/her evaluation report.

32. Prohibited Belongings. The United Nations Military Observers are deployed UNARMED and are strictly prohibited from bringing service or privately owned weapons into the Mission area. Similarly, United Nations Military Observers are also strictly prohibited from purchasing/owning weapons in the Mission area or exporting such weapons from the Mission area. The United Nations will not issue certificates dealing with the export of private weapons. In this context, the term "private weapon" includes not only firearms, but also any other form of lethal weapon.




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