Студопедия — Technology of producing alcohol and liqueur-wodka productions.
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Technology of producing alcohol and liqueur-wodka productions.

The production of alcohol consists of three basic stages:

-preparatory- to clean raw material from admixtures, prepare malt or cultures of mould mushrooms;

-basic -to boil a starch raw material, sugaring of starch, fermenting sugared mass, distillation of home-brewed beer and getting raw alcohol;

-competing- rectification.

The raw alcohol which was got on the basic stage of production cannot be used as food, because it contains magnificent harmful admixtures - fusel oil, methyl alcohol, difficult ethers. Many admixtures are poisonous, in addition, they give to alcohol unpleasant odor, therefore a raw alcohol is exposed to be cleaning - rectification. Harmful admixtures are processed during fermenting sugared mass. Methyl alcohol is the product of disintegration of pectin - methyl ether of polygalacticacid, that is contained in vegetable fabrics. Fusel oil which is mixture of high quality alcohol is processed in the result of diaminatingamino acids that is turned up at the hydrolysis of proteins.

In addition, high quality alcohol can be the mixed products of some spirit fermented intermediate products. Phurphurol and difficult ethers belong to the harmful admixtures. Moving away harmful admixtures is done in the process of rectification based on the different temperature of boiling ethyl, methyl and high quality alcohol and difficult ethers.

The source of taste and aromatic substances is digester. More than 100 names are used and divided into 5 groups: herbs and leaves, roots and rhizomes, flowers, arboreal bark and garden-stuffs. For taste such materials(sugar, honey, acids, dyes, essential oils, food essences, guilt, cognacs) are used. Digester is used as semi-products: alcohol juice,tinctures and fragrant alcohol.Alcohol fruit-berry juice is prepared in processing fruit-berries enterprises.

During producing juice raw material is minced, pressed, juice is canned by the rectified alcohol-product of higher cleaning to the hardness 26 %, vindicated, filtered and used during the year. Spirited infusions isgot at liquieur-wodka factories.

Spirited infusion is produced by a technology of macerating herbs, roots, peel, citrus fruits, nuts, etc. The duration of the process of extraction is from 4 to 20 days.

Task3. Answer the questions according to the text.

1) How didharmful admixtures appear?

2) What is the source of taste and aromatic substances?

3) What kinds of admixtures are divided into?

4) How is spirited infusion prepared?

5) What is the duration of processes of extracting?

Task 4. Try to translate the following sentences into your native language.

1). There are the wines which prepared with the addition of alcohol, so-called fortified, or spirited. 2). Alcoholshould be rectified in winemaking industry – cleared of impurity, without any unpleasant applied tastes and smells 3. As a rule, well peeled wine isn't capable to improve the quality subsequently, though they better postpone transportation and change of temperatures.

Task 5 is for self-checking.

1. What does not refer to the basic stage of producing alcohol?

а) boilingstarch raw material;

b) fermenting sugared mass;

с) sugared starch;

d) distillation of home-brewed beer;

е) hydrolysisof raw material.


2. What appears during fermenting sugared mass?

а)harmful admixtures;

b) raw alcohol;

с) spirited fruit-drinks;

d) ready-to-cook foods;

е) digester.

3. The raw alcohol is exposed to:

a) deamination;

b) cleaning;

c) extraction;

d) fermentation;

e) oxidation.

4. What are formed at fermenting sugared weight?

a)harmful impurity;

b) raw alcohol;

c) spiritedfruit drinks;

d) semi-finished products;

e) vegetable raw materials.

5. How removal of harmful impurity is carried out?

a) during oxidation;

b) in the course of alcohol preparation;

c) in the course of a filtration;

d) in the course of rectification;

e) in the course of upholding.

Spirited fruit-berry juice is prepared at the enterprises by processing

a) fruit- drink and infusion;

b) alcohol and soft drinks;

c) fruits and berries;

d) concentrates and raw materials;

e) sugar and polysaccharides.



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