Студопедия — Complete the safety instructions.
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Complete the safety instructions.

1. Avoid ___. fire extinguisher
2. Read all ___ carefully. Gloves
3. Wear ___.when welding. Guards
4. Wear ___ when you work with sheets of metal or glass. Goggles
5. Watch out for ___ on the floor of the gangways. the mains
6. Take care that ___. a mask or a handshield
7. Don’t forget to wear your ___. slippery oil
8. Position the ___ of your machine tool correctly. safety rules
9. Switch off ___ in case of emergency. safety boots
10. Put on your ___. before you start grinding. loose clothing
11. Take care that the ___ is always in good working order. emergency exits are not blocked

Read the guidelines for preventing fires and explosions and complete them using the following words.

instructions, fire, smoking, printers, put out, stand, rules, defective, mount, extinguisher, checked, store, familiar, pull, trigger

Prevention of Fires and Explosion

___ is not allowed in the work area. Computers and ___ must be turned off at the end of each workday. ___ computers must be turned off before they are repaired. Fire extinguisher must be ___ monthly. In the event of a fire or explosion, keep calm. All workers must be ___ with the correct method of using a fire ___. Most extinguishers have ___ printed on the canister. The following are some basic ___ for using a fire extinguisher:

a. Do not ___ fire extinguisher close to the area where a fire might occur.

b. To ensure that the extinguisher will be accessible ___ it near a door.

c. For best results, ___ as close to the fire as is safely possible to use the extinguisher.

The recommended method of using the extinguisher is the following:

a. ___ the top ring or pin out, while holding the canister vertically;

b. aim the extinguisher hose and nozzle at the ___;

c. squeeze the extinguisher ___;

d. sweep toward the base of the fire using fluid movements until the fire is ___.

You are a safety officer of a manufacturing company; write down safety instructions for your workers.

Avoid ___. Don’t forget ___. Wear ___ when ___. Switch off ___ before you open the casing. Put on ___ when you ___. Read the instructions carefully before ___. Never ___. Always use protective ___. Make sure ___ before ___.

7. Look at the floor plans on the wall of the classroom and give your partner directions in case of evacuation using the following words:

1. go out; 2. go up/down; 3.take the stairs; 4. turn right/left; 5.go along the corridor; 6. the exit.

8. Read the following text. Then discuss safety measures in an office, using these words and phrases:

size and layout of the office; furniture; equipment; air quality; health problems; safety measures

The office has been considered a relatively safe and healthy place to work. Despite this common belief, there can be a lot of hazards, which cause thousands of injuries and health problems among office workers. Accidents that occur in offices are frequently due to poorly designed office environments and improper office procedures. The size and layout of office areas should be flexible and suit the needs of the users and the jobs they perform. Poor design can lead to crowding, lack of privacy, slips and falls. Walkways and exits must never be used for temporary storage of things. Furniture should be positioned so that sharp edges corners do not create hazards. In addition to obvious hazards such as a slippery floor or an open file drawer, a modern office may also contain hazards such as poor lighting, noise, poorly designed furniture and equipment. Air quality is an important factor in work areas. If printing or copying machines are present, an exhaust ventilation system should be present. Insufficient fresh air may lead to employees suffering from tiredness, headache, dry itchy skin and eye irritation. Here are some preventive measures for office workers:

a. learn about how to avoid pain or injury from repetitive or physically awkward tasks, take breaks as needed;

b. learn safe lifting techniques;

c. keep all work areas clear of clutter;

d. set-up your workstation ergonomically;

e. know how to relax strained body parts by doing correct stretching exercises;

f. know emergency evacuation plan.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 496. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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