Студопедия — Comparing of two careers.
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Comparing of two careers.

1 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners – A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 2007. – 1748p.

2 Naunton, J. Profile2 Intermediate / J. Nauton. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – 175p.

3 Encyclopedia Britannica [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.britannica.com. – Дата доступа: 31.05.2015

4 Lingvoleo[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: lingualeo.com/uk/jungle/scientific-and-technological-progress-12203 tech progree. – Дата доступа: 15.05.2015.

5 Global problems essays [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/54876.html. – Дата доступа: 31.05.2015.

5: Guardian [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.theguardianonline.com/news/2012/10/19/pros-and-cons-of-technology. – Дата доступа: 07.05.2015.

6 Chron. Small business [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.smallbusiness.chron.com/workplace-ethics-behavior-5239.html. – Дата доступа: 01.06.2015

7 IELTS-Blog [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.ielts-blog.com/ielts-writing-samples/ielts-essays-band-7/ielts-essay-topic-internet-and-communication. – Дата доступа: 01.05.2015.

8 MegaEssays.com [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.learn-english-esl-resources.com. – Дата доступа: 05.05.2015.

9. Breaking news English lessons [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.breakingnewsenglish.com. – Дата доступа: 27.05.2015.


Устные темы к экзамену

1. Your daily routine

2. Compare the careers of two people: one is successful, the other - less successful

3. Speak on advantages and disadvantages of being right-, left-handed, ambidextrous.

4. Your work experience or applying for job

5. Describe the place you travelling to / in your country/ foreign one

6. Speak on sports

7. Speak about your present and former habits

8. If you win a prize in the lottery what will you do with money

9. Speak about a daily trip: a trip on a river, and a walking trip around the city

10. Speak about relationship and marriages

11. Speak about the five senses and your likes and dislikes concerning them

12. Describe recent changes in your life. Think about home, work, family, sport, hobbies, personal appearance.

13. Imagine being alone for 100 days on a single -handed yacht race or on a desert land. How would you feel? What 5 luxuries would you take with you?

14. Talk about the food you like cooking and eating.

15. Speak about travel and airports. Describe the airport you have ever been to.

16. Fame and success. Give your opinion about the problem whether a star is born or made.

17. Your opinion about the future of toys and games, cars and transport clothes.

18. Describe the rules or professional behaviour

19. Describe your achievements and projects

20. Talk about likely and unlikely situations. What will you do if, what would you do if

21. Report what you heard or read about the weather forecast

22. Talk about the important moment in your life. It could be about one of the following things: work, family, travel, relationship, studies.

23. Speak about things you do and have done for you

24. Make predictions about your life. Think about education, jobs, family, sports, hobbies, travel.

25. Describe symptoms of illness.

26. Speak about what you think life was 2500 years ago. Use these entertainments: families, farming, houses, illness, religion, culture, transport, food.

27. Describe friendship

28. Talk about past regrets (огорчения)


1. My daily routine.

I’m a student of a daily form of studying, so I have to be an early-riser. I get up at 7 o’clock and go to bathroom. I wash my face and clean my teeth, and then I have a breakfast and go to the institute. It takes me 20 minutes to get. Usually I have 3 of 4 lessons, for example, math, physics and English. Two or three times a week I go to a physical culture. And then I return home for dinner and sometimes I sleep for two hours if I’m very tired. In the evening I do my homework or go for a walk with my friends or watch film. Then I have a supper or a cup of tea. Then I usually read a book or listen to music. Then I go to bed. I need to have an early night if I don’t want to oversleep next morning. But at weekends I can stay up late and fall asleep when I want.



Comparing of two careers.

Let’s compare careers of 2 men, Alexander and Roman. First of them founded his own commercial firm at 80’s and second of them graduated from technical institute, but he was offered a job in a factory in the most prestige laboratory, and firstly he was more satisfied with his work later. Alexander was more exhausted because some time after his firm was closed according to new decrees. He had to dodge and sometimes to lie to get a license. Roman had more free time and his job looked safer than Alexander’s one. But later the factory became less successful then before and his salary became much lower than of Alexander’s. On the other hand, Roman was less tired of his work because Alexander had to work long hours and even do overwork, but later he became a very successful businessman. So, finally, Alexander is richer and happier than Roman. We can see that sometimes good fortune is more important than education.


3. Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous.

Is it comfortable to be a “left-handed” person? On the other hand, it is not, because many of domestic things are oriented on right-handed people. Usually, all switches and handles are disposed on the right side of domestic devices and it’s uncomfortable to operate them by left hand. It’s impossible to cut with scissors by left hand. Some details of clothes are also oriented on the “right-handed”, for example, zippers or inside pockets. And it’s difficult to write with left hand because we do this from left to the write. It’s uncomfortable to enter the metro because of disposition of turnstiles. But on the other hand, sometimes it’s good to be “left-handed’. For example, it’s more comfortable to open the washing machine with left hand. It’s very advantageous to be “left-handed” in some kinds of sports, for example, in boxing or in baseball. And as for me, I would like to be an “ambidextrous”. It’s very comfortable, for example, if you need to write a lot: when right hand is tired, you can write with left one.


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