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1. a) Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words:


authority; contest n, prize-fighter; enthusiastic; solo; des­pondently; paths; invigilator; flagrant; dispassionately; anony­mous; nonchalant; frustrated; recognize; tripos; admirably; re­moteness; viva; imminent; irritatingly; desperate; photographer; prejudice; admiring; tetanus; previously; triumphal; plough; opiate a; sponge.


b) Listen to your partners' reading of the exercise. Correct their mistakes, if they have any.


2. Practise the pronunciation of the following words paying attention to:

A) two principal stresses;

b) the secondary and principal stresses. Beat the time:


a) well-established; thenceforward; meanwhile; well-trodden; self-consciousness; unhurriedly: dissatisfied; undeserved; un-exploded; blackjack.

b) examination; inevitability; investigation; representative; differentiate; superiority; interrogation; invitation; familiarity; inescapable; anatomic; disadvantage; preparation; congratula­tion; disappear.


3. Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connective speech (assimilation, lateral and nasal plosions, the loss of plosion, the linking “r”).

Mind the pronunciation of the vowels and observe proper rhythm:


that the authorities have found the most fair and convenient to both sides; they are a straight contest between himself and the examiners; there is rarely any frank cheating in medical examinations; standing at the front and gazing at him; like the policemen that flank the dock at the Old Bailey; they were able to complete the examination in an hour and a half; the last question was rushed through; I walked down the stairs; in the square outside; without the threat of immediate punishment; who treated the whole thing; he looked upon the viva simply as another engagement; she would get through; reeling out the lines of treatment; but they were a subdued, muttering crowd; a clock tingled twelve in the distance; I expected the windows to rattle; the clouds hung in the air.


4. Read the following passages:

a) from "I walked down the stairs" up to "... without arousing any comment";;

b) from "... I stood before table four" up to "... and stumbled through the answer...";;

c) from "... The elder porter raised his voice..." up to the end of the text.

Use proper intonation groups and observe the rhythm. Bear in mind the character of the passage.


Make the following sentences complete using the patterns (p. 10)


1. You can just leave. I'm about to tell Bucky to forget it.... 2. I'm done for the moment and ready to join you. I've rinsed my plate and my spoon and run a damp sponge across the kitchen counter. I din't intend to do any more cleaning.... 3. I'll write you a check. We're still trying to get my dad's affairs sorted out.... we do appreciate your help. 4. — Do you want me to make a quick run to the market? — I'd surely appreciate it. Since we're low on milk, I have to do it myself....


6. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the patterns:


1. — I'm surehe was trying to be helpful. Nevertheless, there's probably no harm done. 2. Rawson went right on: "This or that way, in the late eighties I started writing to this woman I met through a pen pal ad." 3. — Can I lend you a hand? — No, thanks. I'm almost done. I never hoped to find anything here so far. 4. If a man shows signs of nervous tension or being under stress you must make him consult a doctor. 5. The teacher must make his children develop a critical way of thinking. 6. If you want to help a worried person under stress you, must be patient and encourage him to talk. 7. His behavior in those trying cir­cumstances does him honor. You must make him write about it. 8. You explained that "trying to keep up with the Joneses" means to have as much as one's neighbors (the Joneses) and, if possible, even more. 9. You have promised to take the children for a drive, so you must keep your word. 10. The professor drew their attention to the difference between the two theories. It is now clear to the students.


Make up five sentences on each pattern.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 726. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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