Студопедия — Adjectives (Comparisons)
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Adjectives (Comparisons)


Adjectives of: Positive Comparative Superlative
one syllable Tall Taller (than) The tallest (of/in)
two syllables ending in -er, -ly, -y, -w Happy Friendly Happier (than) Friendlier (than) The happiest (of/in) The friendliest (of/in)
two or more syllables Modern More modern (than) The most modern (of/in)


3.1 Write the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets:


1. It's warmer today than it was yesterday. (warm)

2. This is the most expensive dress in the shop. (expensive)

3. What's the _____________ mountain in your country? (high)

4. This car is too small. We need to get a _____________ one. (big)

5. It was the _______________________ music I've ever heard. (beautiful)

6. Your computer is _______________________ than mine. (modern)

7. Australia is the earth's _____________continent. (old)

8. My sister was always ______________ than me. (pretty)

9. This year's exam was __________________ than last year's. (difficult)

10. This is the __________________ pan we've got. (large)

Irregular forms:

Positive Comparative Superlative
Good/well Better The best
Bad/badly Worse The worst
Much More The most
Little Less The least
Far Further/farther The furthest/the farthest


Comparative constructions:

1. As … (positive) … as Not so/as … (positive) … as Paul is as heavy as Tom. Jane is not so/as tall as Mary.
2. Less … (positive) … than The least … (positive) … of/in Betty is less hard-working than Kate but Jean is the least hard-working of all.
3. The + comparative …, the + comparative The harder you work, the more money you earn.


3.2 Complete these sentences:


1. The weather is much warmer than it usually is at this time. (warm)

2. Going by car took twice as long as going by train. (long)

3. It was by far the worst time of my life. (bad)

4. The train's a lot ____________ all the other ways of getting there. (fast)

5. This exam was a bit _____________________ all the other tests. (easy)

6. I think English spelling is by far ____________________. (difficult)

7. The food isn't nearly ________________ it has been in the past. (good)

8. She's a bit ______________________________ her brother. (sensitive)

9. Flying's a lot _____________________ going by car. (quick)

10. First class is much _________________________ second. (expensive)

11. This is easily ______________________ restaurant in London. (good)

12. Ellen was a bit ________________________ she usually is. (cheerful)

13. He's not nearly ________________________ his sister. (intelligent)

14. The journey was three times ______________ we had expected. (long)

15. The film wasn't ________________ I had thought it would be. (good)

Present Simple



1) permanent situations or states

She works as a nurse. She owns a large shop.

2) repeated / habitual actions (especially with frequency adverbs: often, usually etc)

I usually get up at 7.30.

3) permanent truths or laws of nature

Money doesn't buy happiness.

Water freezes at 0°C.

4) timetables / programmes (future meaning)

The match finishes at 7.45.

The plane leaves at 6.05.

5) reviews /sports commentaries / dramatic narrative

Meryl Streep acts brilliantly in this film.

Time expressions:every day / week / month / year, usually, often, always, rarely, never, sometimes, in the morning / evening / afternoon, at night, on Mondays etc.


4.1 Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions (Present Simple):


1. I visit my parents very often. (negative) – I don’t visit my parents very often.

2. Does he go to school every day? (positive) – He goes to school every day.

3. She comes from Germany. (question) – Does she come from Germany?

4. She goes to work by car. (question)

5. We watch television every night. (negative)

6. He doesn't walk to work every day. (positive)

7. She plays football every Saturday. (question)

8. He washes his car every week. (question)

9. They live in Australia. (question)

10. They go to school by bus. (question)

11. Does she finish work at five o'clock? (positive)

12. He goes to the cinema on Fridays. (question)

13. I come from Africa. (negative)

14. Does he live in this street? (positive)

15. He works in a restaurant. (question)

16. She gets up at five o'clock. (question)

17. They eat a lot. (negative)

18. Does he work here? (positive)

4.2 Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in brackets:

1. I (drive) drive but my sister (cycle) _____________.

2. The Sun (rise) _________ in the east and (set) _________ in the west.

3. The Prime Minister (travel) ________ abroad in his own private aeroplane.

4. It (cost) ________ $ 20 million to be a space tourist for one week in the International Space Station.

5. The European Commission (meet) _________ in Brussels.

6. My dad (read) ________ two books every week.

7. I (understand) ________ geography more than science.

8. My favourite TV programme (start) _________ at half past ten.

9. The teachers at our school (give) _________ us lots of homework.

10. We (like) ________ swimming because it's fun and good exercise.

4.3* Complete the sentence with the affirmative or negative form of the verb in brackets. Use contractions:

1. The plane (leave) leaves in half an hour but Nick (not/be) _________ at the airport yet.

2. My best friend (love) _________ science fiction films but they (not/interest) _________ me.

3. I (not/study) _________ chemistry because it (be) __________ difficult.

4. I (not/dance) _________ because I (look) _________ stupid.

5. The sun (not/go) ________ round the Earth, the Earth (go) ________ round the Sun!

6. My new computer (do) ________ lots more things than my old one, and it (not/crash) ___________.

7. My dad (not/have) ________ any qualifications but he (have) __________ a really good job.

8. Fire (need) ________ oxygen to burn. It (not/burn) _________ without oxygen.

9. My teacher (not/own) _________ a mobile phone because some people think they (be) _________ bad for your health.

10. According to scientists, animals (live) _______ longer if they (not/eat) __________ too much.

4.4 Complete the text with the negative form of the verbs in brackets:


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