Студопедия — History of the British Commonwealth
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History of the British Commonwealth

The British Commonwealth (also known as the Commonwealth of Nations) is an association of fifty-three independent states. These states became members of the Commonwealth on a voluntary basis. Most member nations are former colonies of Great Britain. However, one member, Mozambique hasn't had direct ties to Great Britain: it used to be a Portuguese colony. Members of the Commonwealth are different and have a diverse background: they are poor or highly developed. But they share many ties in history, culture and language. The Commonwealth gives an opportunity to become closer, to share experience in building democracy, developing their economies, and watching human rights. The member nations also participate in the Commonwealth Games — the world's second largest sport event after the Olympic Games. These games are held every four years.

Queen Elizabeth II, the British Monarch, is the head of the Commonwealth. Sixteen members of the Commonwealth are called Commonwealth Realms. In these countries the Queen of the United Kingdom is the head of state but her role is symbolic. The political power in these countries belongs to the Prime Minister. Other members of the Commonwealth are simply republics or monarchies. The Commonwealth regularly holds meetings and conferences, in which ministers of health, education, finance, law, and other politicians par­ticipate. They discuss different issues: social, economic, and political development of countries, as well as world epidem­ics, access to markets, migration, illiteracy, human rights watch, and others. The main intergovernmental formation within the Commonwealth is the Commonwealth Secretariat, established in 1965. The Secretariat is based in London and is headed by the Secretary-General.

In 1958 all member states started to celebrate Common­wealth Day. Since then the second Monday in March is the official day when Queen Elizabeth II delivers her speech broadcasted in all member nations of the Commonwealth. On this day different events are held in which common people and politicians participate.


IV. Words to be learnt:

association – объединение

voluntary – добровольный

diverse - разнообразный

background – задний план, фон

to participate – принимать участие

to belong to – принадлежать (кому-либо)

migration – миграция, перемещение

illiteracy – неграмотность

to celebrate – праздновать


Exercises to the text:


I. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1. second 1. республика
2. culture 2. монарх
3. republic 3. образование
4. monarchy 4. рынок
5. education 5. культурный
6. health 6. финансы
7. law 7. маркетинг
8. culture 8. второй
9. market 9. закон
10. finance 10. здоровье
  11. культура
  12. монархия

II. Use the proper preposition where necessary:

1. These states became members of the Commonwealth … a voluntary basis.

2. However, one member, Mozambique hasn't had direct ties … Great Britain: it used to be a Portuguese colony.

3. They share many ties … history, culture and language.

4. The main intergovernmental formation … the Commonwealth is the Commonwealth Secretariat, established … 1965.

5. … this day different events are held … which common people and politicians participate.


III. Find the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. The British Comonwealth (also nown as the Comonwealth of Nations) are an association of fifty-three independent state.

2. Members of the Comonwealth are diferent and have a diverse background.

3. The member nations also participate in the Comonwealth Games — the world's second lagest sport event after Olympic Game.

4. They discus diferent isues: sosial, economik, and politikal development of countries.

5. The Secretariat is baced in Landon and is heded by the Secretary-General.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the British Commonwealth?

2. When did all member states start to celebrate Common­wealth Day.

3. Who is the head of the Commonwealth?

4. What does Commonwealth regularly hold?

5. What is the main intergovernmental formation within the Commonwealth?

V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. 53 независимых государства стали членами содружества на добровольной основе.

2. Мозамбик – колония Португалии.

3. Члены Содружества как бедные так и высокоразвитые страны.

4. Политическая власть в стране принадлежит Премьер-министру.

5. Они обсуждают различные вопросы, касающиеся экономического, политического и социального развития стран.

6. Человеческим правам также уделяется большое внимание.

7. Секретариат расположен в Лондоне.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 444. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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