Студопедия — I. In the sentences below there are some common phrases with home. Look at the dictionary entries and underline the correct option in each sentence.
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I. In the sentences below there are some common phrases with home. Look at the dictionary entries and underline the correct option in each sentence.

1. Make yourself at/as home.

2. All of our tomatoes are home-grown/-made.

3. I ordered some kitchen knives from the home-shopping/marketing

network last night.

4. Being away for so long you must feel homeless/homesick.

5. I’venow made/settled London my home.

1. Youcan use hometo refer in a general way to the house, town, or country where someone lives now or where they were born. At seventeen, Daniele was told to leave home by her father... Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home... 2. Homemeans to or at the place where you live. Do you want my home or mobile number? 3.If you feel at home,you feel comfortable and at ease in the place or situation that you are in. He appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home... 4.In British English, you can use a home from hometo refer to a place in which you feel happy and at ease, just as if you were in your own home. In American English, you say a home away from home. Many cottages are a home from home, offering microwaves, dishwashers, tvs and videos. 5.If you say to a guest ‘Make yourself at home’,you are making them feel welcome and inviting them to behave in an informal, relaxed way.   6. home-grown. Home-grownfruit and vegetables have been grown in your garden, rather than a farm, or in your country rather than abroad. 7. home-made;also spelled homemade.Something that is home-madehas been, made in someone’s home, rather than in a shop or factory. The bread, pastry and mayonnaise are home-made... 8. home shopping;also spelled home-shopping. Home shoppingis buying things by ordering them by post or telephone, rather than going to a shop to buy them. ... the most successful name in home shopping in the UK. 9. homesick. If you are homesick,you feel unhappy because you are away from home and are missing your family, friends, and home very much. She’s feeling a little homesick.

II. Underline the correct word in each sentence, then say what the phrases mean.


1. I enjoy visiting the Smiths; they really make you feel like/at home.

2. I’ve been all over the world, but there’s no place like home/house.

3. The comments she made about his manners really hit/got home.He’s never behaved like that since.

4. At the end of the match, the importance of our victory came/arrived home to me.

5. If we win this match, we’ll be home/house and dry.

6. I think it’s time Sam faced up to a few home/house truths.

7. I don’t have a very active social life. I’m more of a home/house bird.


III. Match the idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column.

1. to build one’s castle upon the sand   A. выступать (перед аудиторией)
2. to build castles in the air   B. указать кому-либо на дверь
3. room at the top     C. припереть кого-либо к стенке
4. to do something under the table   D. создавать что-либо непрочное
5. to be in the chair   E. ковёр-самолёт
6. to take the floor     F. захлопнуть дверь перед носом
7. a window on the world   G. председательствовать
8. to camp on somebody’s doorstep   Н. верхняя ступенька социальной лестницы
9. to shut the door in somebody’s face   I. ломиться в открытую дверь
10. to show somebody the door   J. строить воздушные замки
11. to force an open door   К. окно в мир
12. to call somebody on the carpet   L. у стен есть уши
13. a magic carpet   M. дать кому-либо нагоняй
14. walls have ears   N. делать что-либо секретно
15. to drive somebody to the wall   О. обивать пороги  


IV. Highlight the meanings of the proverbs and sayings, making up short situations. Tell them in class.

1. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it. (George Moore, Irish poet)

2. Strength of character may be learned at work, but beauty of character is learned at home. (Henry Drummond, Scottish naturalist)

3. East or West - home is best.

4. There is no place like home.

5. My home is my castle.

6. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

7. Do not burn your house to get rid of the mice.

8. Charity begins at home.

9. Home is where the heart is.

10. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.


V. a) Look at the title of the article. What do you think it is about?

B) Read the article and explain the words in bold.

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