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Параметри транзистора КТ312

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 558

PPC- интерес к действию I have been repairing my car. My hands are dirty. We are interested in the action. It doesn’t matter whether something has been finished or not. PP- интерес к результату I have repaired my car. My car is good and we can drive. This time, the important thing is that something has been finished. We are interested in the result of the action.
For, since, how long Already, yet, just, never ever, so far, recently, always, for a long time (прожил)
Что делаю/делал? Ремонтирую/овал, Работаю/ал. Что сделал? Отремонтировал, Проработал.
Special Feature We don’t use some verbs in PPC and we use Present Perfect instead # I’ve known him for 3 years. # She has had a cat since she was 6.

Grammar homework for the 14th of February


1. Very Stupid Story

2. Past Story

3. Put sentences in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous (sometimes both variants are possible)

1. Jack (live) here since he was born (for a very long time) 2. They (wait) for us for half an hour 3. How long (rain, it)? 4. How long (know, you) her? 5. I (not, see) you for 3 days. 6. Hello! I (clean) the windows. So far I (clean) five of them and there are two more to do 7. There’s a strange smell in here. …….(you/cook) something? 8. My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films. 9. My hands are dirty. I (repair) my car 10. That man (stand) outside for hours. 11. The castle (stand) on that hill for 900 years. 12. Ann (garden) all afternoon. She (plant) a lot of rose bushes. 13. How long (you wait)? 14. Her family (farm) this land since the tenth century. 15. She (only ski) for two days, but she's doing very well. 16. I (learn) German for six years. 17. I (learn) most of the irregular verbs. 18. My mother (do) all her Christmas shopping. 19. I (do) shopping all day. 20. I (clean) the car. Doesn't it look nice? 21. 'You look tired.' 'I (prepare) for my exams all day.'


Hello!!! Did you pass the 2nd level???

Today we have to clean our Grammar room! Берем пылесос и убираемся в комнате: вспоминаем и подписываем все полочки, которые у нас есть.

У нас появляется новая полка в Grammar room: Past Continuous

Name Past Continuous
Rule We use PC when we talk about the action which was happening at the certain time or during the certain period of time in the past (мы используем PC, когда мы говорим о действии, которое происходило в определенное время или в определенный период времени в прошлом)
Markers yesterday at 6 , while (в то время как), for 2 hours (ответ на вопрос «сколько?»), during the summer (ответ на вопрос «когда»?), from 5 till 6
Structure was/were + Ving
Special features Some verbs aren’t used in PC: like, believe, have (иметь), know, love, prefer, understand, want, wish, hate, remember, need
Monkey Job I was doing my hw yesterday from 4 till 6. I wasn’t doing my hw yesterday from 4 till 6. Was I doing my hw yesterday from 4 till 6? What time was I doing my hw yesterday?    


Compare (сравни):

I was doing my hw yesterdayделал - процесс ) and I did my hw yesterdayсделал - факт)


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