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Дата добавления: 2014-10-22; просмотров: 634

1. Answer the following questions.

1) How old are you?

2) Where and when were you born?

3) At what age did you go to school?

4) What social duties did you carry out at school?

5) What is your favorite occupation at leisure?

6) When did you work?

7) How long did you work there?

8) Where would you like to work after graduating from the university?

9) How many are you in the family?

10) Have you any brothers or sisters?

11) What are your parents?

12) Where do your parents work?

13) How old are your parents?

14) Does your mother like her work?

15) In what way do you help your parents?

16) Are your parents pensioners or do they still work?

17) Which of your relatives do you want to be like?

18) Do you spend much time with your family?


A Dialogue:

2Read the dialogue in pairs and compose your own. Get acquainted with a young man (girl).


Andrew: Hello, my name's Andrew Webster.

Victor: Hello, I am Victor Kovalenko.

Andrew: Nice to meet you.

Victor: Happy to meet you. How about a cup of tea?

Andrew: That's a good idea.

Victor: Is this your first visit to the country?

Andrew: Yes, it is. I've never been to this country.

Victor: Andrew, are you a student?

Andrew: Yes, I am. Now I study at college. I am seventeen. And you,


Victor: Well I am sixteen. And now I am in the eleventh form. In a year

I'll finish my school and I'm going to enter the University.

Andrew: You live in Kyiv, don't you?

Victor: Yes, I live in Kyiv together with my family.

Andrew: What about your family? Is it large?

Victor: Oh, no. It's neither large nor small. I have my parents, a sister and

a brother. And you?

Andrew: Me? My family consists of five people, too: my parents, two sisters Fiona and Charmaine and myself.

Victor: Right. Here we are. Let's have a cup of tea.

Andrew: OK. I would like a cup of tea with no milk and no sugar.


Speak on:

1) your family

2) your friend's family.


Act out the following situations:


1) You are talking with your schoolmaster. You want to know how your friend is getting on, where he studies what are his plans, etc.

2) Your elder brother is going to get married. You are asking him about his fiancée.

3) While shopping at the supermarket you have lost your younger brother (friend). You want to make an announcement. The clerk at the inquiry desk asks you questions about his (her) name, appearance, age, clothes.


Memory work.

Proverbs and sayings.


Like father, like son - Який батько, такий син.

Little children, little sorrow, big children, big sorrow - Малі діти - малий клопіт, великі діти - великий клопіт.



<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Передмова | Additional Listening Practice.
1 | <== 2 ==> | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
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