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Україна–незалежна держава.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 591

Now it is Mr. J. Blake's task to write an acknowledgement to the Belarusian School of Business and Tourism. Help him do it. The firm's address is 30 Karastaianavai Street, Minsk, 107140, Belarus.



2C. Notifications, Announcements and



Study Section


When sending a notification or announcement the sender's intention is to inform the recipient about something. They notify their partners:

Ø that the goods are ready for shipment;

Ø that they have carried out the order;

Ø that their representative is arriving on 20 May to take part in the tests, etc.

A letter of announcement will be written when the sender announces the change of the company's name/ the firm' address /the appointment of the branch manager, etc.

If you wanted to introduce your firm you should write the letter of introduction. They do not characterize, they advertise your company. The purpose of this kind of the letter is to persuade the addresser that you are the best in business.


Read the following examples of Notifications and Announcements.

Sample 1. Notification of readiness


Dear Sirs,   We wish to inform you that the goods you ordered under contract No. 347/bm are ready for shipment. Enclosed you will find our pro forma invoice. We would be very pleased to be of service to you again. Yours faithfully  

Sample 2. Notifying of Mr. W. Wallace's visit to London



Dear Sirs,   We wish to inform you that Mr. W. Wallace will visit you on the morning of 15 November in your office. Mr. W. Wallace is fully authorized to act in the firm's name. We would appreciate a prompt confirmation of this appointment. If unsuitable, please suggest an alternative date to us. Yours faithfully  



The above letters start with the phrase "We wish to inform you that...". It is quite natural because the purpose of these letters is to inform. There also may be other optional points:

Ø some additional information about the main subject of the letters;


Ø certain courteous phrases finishing the letter (Sample 1).



It would be appreciated to send a letter of acknowledgement in reply to the Notification (Sample 1). Sample 2 requires a letter of confirmation in response.


Sample 3. Announcing new appointments


We are writing to inform you that Mr. Karl Yorden has been appointed Information Technology of our company. Mr. K. Yorden intends to visit Berlin early next month and discuss business matters with you. Yours faithfully  


Sample 4. Announcement of the opening of a branch office

Dear Sirs, We have pleasure in informing you that we have now opened a branch office in your city. The address of the branch office is Australia, Sydney, 10 Bond Street. Our branch office is headed by Mr. R. Collins. Please refer all your requests to him. We hope this new office will serve to promote our business relations. Yours faithfully  


Sample 5. Change of the company's address

  Dear Sirs, We would like to inform you that our company has changed its location. As from 1 September 2003 our address is ... . We should be obliged if you would inform the appropriate departments of these changes. Yours faithfully  



The next Sample 6 is a letter of introduction.

Match the following tasks of the sender with the appropriate points of the sample letter:

Ø provide some general information about your company, name the field of business, describe the structure of the company, its location and subscribe;

Ø give a description of the products you are manufacturing and try to persuade the reader that yours are the best in the field;

Ø specify the services you are especially good at;

Ø mention the material you are enclosing with the letter.


Sample 6.

A letter of introduction


Olympia Heavy Industries, Ltd. Your Ref: Our Ref:TM/ng 20 July, 2011 Asia Bank 23 Soi Saladaeng Bangkok   Dear Sirs, Olympia today is one of the largest internationally famous industrial and financial groups in the USA. Olympia Heavy Industries, Ltd. is America's leading, manufacturer of ships and material handling equipment, construction machinery, iron and steel making equipment, presses, chemical plants, speed variators and reducers, prime movers and steel structures and bridges as well as many other kinds of machinery and equipment for various industries. Olympia Heavy Industries, Ltd. at present has modern manufacturing faculties in seven states of the USA, each specialized in the manufacture of different products. In order to give you an idea of the capacity of our organization, we are enclosing our comprehensive illustrated brochure.   Yours faithfully   T. Merchant President





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