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Lesson B

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 552


I. Greta Mueller (GM) is trying to arrange a conference for Tonini International. She is talking to the sales manager (SM) of the Plaza Hotel in Monte Carlo.

GM: Yes. As I said on the telephone, we are planning a three day conference in April next year for about 150 people. Now, we will need one large room for the main conference and three smaller rooms for round table discussions for around 40 delegates each.
SM: I see. Well, the ballroom is big enough to hold 200 theatre-style. We do have a number of rooms next door to the ballroom, but they are probably a little too small for 40 people.
GM: But presumably, do you have some other meeting rooms?
SM: Yes, we do. We can certainly accommodate you elsewhere in the hotel.
GM: Fine. What about equipment?
SM: We can supply most things – overhead projector, cordless microphones…
GM: What about autocue?
SM: No, I am afraid not.
GM: And support services – secretaries, interpreters, photographers?
SM: We can arrange full support services through an outside contractor.
GM: Good. Will it be possible to get detailed room plans?
SM: Certainly. Our conference pack has all that sort of information, as well as a full list of our menus and room rate.

Now look at the Greta Mueller’s checklist of requirements. Tick the items that the hotel can provide.

Conference Requirements ü main room – theatre seating for 150 ü 3 syndicate rooms ü autocue ü photographer ü secretarial help ü interpreter


II. Read the passage in which the Yorkshire and Humberside Tourist Board promotes conferences in the region.

Yorkshire – Humberside

We’ll welcome you in style!

The location of your conference can play an important role in its success and failure.

The Yorkshire and Humberside region is an all-year-round location for conferences, business meetings and seminars of any size and any duration. It is an area which can truly claim “It’s all here!”

The conference organizer can choose from a superb range of venues and accommodation, from peaceful country-house settings to large, but never impersonal, luxury hotel; from purpose-built conference centers with the most modern facilities and equipment to highly individualized locations.

Wherever you go you will find a warm Yorkshire welcome, a concern for comfort of your delegates and a personal commitment to ensuring the success of your conference.

Away from the conference floor, delegates and their partners can relax and enjoy many attractions that Yorkshire and Humberside has to offer.

It is easier than you think to bring your conference to Yorkshire and Humberside thanks to the network of major motorways, a high-speed British rail link, two airports and a major ferry port. A conference that really will be a “Breath of Fresh Air”.


Now summarize the extract by writing notes under the headings below:

R Best time of year: ___________________________________ R Types of venue on offer: ______________________________ R Other attractions: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ R Getting there: _______________________________________



III. Work in pairs.

Conference Organizer, Gresham International You are trying to arrange a conference for Gresham International. Study the company’s requirements, then find out about the conference facilities at the Panorama Palace Hotel.
Conference Manager, Panorama Palace Hotel Study the table showing conference rooms and facilities at the Panorama Palace Hotel. Try to persuade the conference organizer from Gresham International to hold his/her company’s conference in your hotel.


Conference for Gresham International ü 1 meeting room for 200 theatre-style – 5 days ü 1 meeting room for 40 classroom-style – 3 days ü 2 rooms for board meetings (15 each) – 2 days ü 1 overhead projector and a screen ü 3 cordless microphones ü 1 stage for main room ü 2 secretaries
Panorama Palace Hotel
Capacities Ballroom Churchill room Chaplin room Keaton room
Board room
Price per day


Equipment: We can supply stages, overhead projectors, 35 mm slide projectors, video recorders.

Support services: Full support services, including photographers and interpreters, are available.




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