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Lesson B

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 503

Cashier: Good afternoon. What can I do for you, sir?
Guest: I’d like to check out now.
Cashier: Your name and room number, please?
Guest: John Smith. Room 678.
Cashier: Just a moment, sir. I’ll draw up your bill… Here’s your bill, sir.
Guest: And what is this amount for?
Cashier: That’s for the phone calls you have made from your room. And that is for the in-house movies.
Guest: I see. May I pay by traveler’s cheques?
Cashier: Certainly, sir. Thank you. Here’s your receipt.
Guest: Thank you. May I leave my luggage here until I’m ready to leave this afternoon? I’d like to do some shopping.
Cashier: Yes, sir. How many bags do you have?
Guest: Just these two. I’ll be back at around 3 o’clock.
Cashier: That’s fine. Have a nice day, sir.


Making Hotel Reservations

Mrs. King at Japan Electronics in Singapore calls the Thai Royal Hotel in Bangkok to book some accommodation for her visiting Japanese colleague, Mr. Tashikama.

Receptionist: Thai Royal Hotel. May I help you?
Mrs. King: I’d like to make a reservation, please.
Receptionist: Just a moment. I’ll put you through to the reservation desk.
Clerk: Reservations. How can I help you?
Mrs. King: I’d like to make a reservation for six nights next week for Mr. Tashikama of Japan Electronics, please.
Clerk: Certainly. What days will he be staying?
Mrs. King: He will arrive on Thursday and leave on Wednesday.
Clerk: And what kind of room would you like to book?
Mrs. King: I’d like a single room with a bath, please.
Clerk: A single room with a bath… yes, no problem. Could I have the name again, please?
Mrs. King: Yes, it’s for Mr. Tashikama of Japan Electronics.
Clerk: That’s fine. We’ll be expecting Mr. Tashikama on Thursday then.


Role Play

Make up similar dialogues using the following information:

Student A Student B
You work on the reservation desk at Manhattan Hotel. Note any bookings you take. Call Manhattan Hotel and book a single room with a bath for Pilar Rodriguez of Bank of Spain for 3 nights from next Monday.
You work on the reservation desk at Capital Motel. Note any bookings you take. Call Capital Motel and reserve a double room with shower for Mr. and Mrs. Gaumont for 6 nights from tomorrow.
You work on the reservation desk at Hotel Luxus. Note any bookings you take. Call Hotel Luxus and reserve two double rooms with bath for tonight only for Mr. Steffand Ms. Nallder from LOP International.
You are a receptionist in a hotel in your own city. The hotel has a restaurant and a bar but no room service. You are at the reception desk when a guest arrives. Help the guest to check in and tell him about the facilities. You are on a business trip. You want to check into the hotel. You are expecting a telephone call from an important customer. What do you want the receptionist to do if the customer calls? Tell the receptionist that you want a late dinner in the hotel tonight and that you want an alarm call in the morning.
You are the room clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are in the process of checking in. They have two young children with them. They want to know if they can have beds set up in their room for the children. You assure them that this is possible, indicating you will ask the housekeeper to take care of it immediately.
You are the information clerk. Mr. Asaka wants to visit one of the local sights. He wants to know if it is possible to walk there but you know that it is too far for a comfortable walk. You advise him that he should take a taxi. He then wants to know the probable cost of the taxi. When you have answered the question, you inform him that the doorman will call a taxi for him.
You are the front-desk cashier. Mr. Rossi is checking out. You ask him if he has made any phone calls in the last hour. He has made two, which have not yet appeared on his account. You ask him to wait a moment while you check the calls. You get the information quickly, enter it on his account and then present him with the corrected bill.


Unit 7. Careers in the Hotel Industry

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Good evening, ladies and gentleman... | Lesson B
1 | <== 2 ==> | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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