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Translate the following word combinations into English with the help of Passive voice forms.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 694

Pay attention to the tense and person of the verb:

Питання розглядаються, увага привертається, гербіциди мають бути розміщені, потрібен дощ,

гербіциди мають бути застосовані, невдача була спричинена, як вже було сказано, буде зроблено.


4. Ask questions to the sentences:

1.Rye is grown on vast... in the Crimea

2. The feeding stuffs commonly used on farms can be divided into two main groups.

3. Important selection work is being carried out with dwarf rice in Nigeria, Guinea, Niger and Mali.

4. In Sri Lanka and Malaysia preference is given to improved local varieties of rice.

5. Deep sandy soils are better adapted to rye and some other crops.

5. Transform the sentences from Passive into Active voice:

1. The yield of wheat is greatly affected by the amount of moisture in the soil at the time the crop is seeded.

2. If the grain is stored at a high moisture content, it can be damaged by heat.

3. Under the minimum tillage system the plow and the planter are used by the tractor at the same time.

4. Triticale is classified now as a feed grain.

5. Weed control with chemicals is affected by selection, application and environment.


6. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive voice:

1. The type of soil also affects herbicide selection.

2. Growers should carefully prepare the machines for the application of the herbicides.

3. Too high rates of chemicals can cause the injury of the growing crop.

4. Strong winds may cause uneven herbicide spraying.

5. Crop rotation controls many weeds.

7. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Passive voice tense forms:

1. Fall plowing as soon after harvest as possible is generally recommended for both winter and spring wheat varieties.

2. Seeding was done with one-row hand-operated seeder.

3. The scientists believe that new high-quality protein corn will be commercially produced throughout the world within this decade.

4. Under the minimum tillage system the land has been prepared for planting and planted in two operations.

5. Much of commercial production of triticale is being done on lighter sandy soils.



Choose the proper definition for each term:

1. fertilizer a) the process of killing unwanted plants

2. uniform fertility b) surrounding nature

1. weed control c) a matter added to the soil to increase cropping

2. pre-emergence herbicides d) ability of soil to produce the same yield in every part of the field

3. environment e) chemicals used to kill weeds before their germination

Complete the sentences with the necessary words:

4. is typical of almost anything in nature.

a) excess

b) variability

c) ground

7. All soils vary in … .

a) fertilizer

b) fertility

c) wheat

8. How many approaches to fertilization are used?

a) one

b) two

c) three

9. An … of nitrogen can result in an undesirably high level of protein in wheat.

a) excess

b) lack

c) absence

10. Which system of fertilization results in maximum possible crop production?

a) fertilize at a high rate

b) fertilize at a low rate

c) neither

11. To select the proper chemical for … one should know specific weed species.

a) rainfall

b) planting

c) weed control

12. To apply herbicides correctly one should know weed species, stage of growth and … .

a) life cycle

b) food water

c) hormone

13. If several herbicides are used at a time, they must be … thoroughly.

a) caused

b) affected

c) mixed

14. … may affect herbicide spraying.

a) volatile herbicide

b) organic matter

c) strong wind

15. Weeds … growth and yields of cultivated crops.

a) assist

b) reduce

c) develop

16. Planting potatoes can be … any time during April and May depending on the soil condition.

a) do

b) did

c) done

17. … triticale as well as wheat grown mainly for pasture?

a) does

b) is

c) has

18. Triticale is usually … with wheat in quality, yield and other aspects.

a) compare

b) compared

c) comparing

19. In upland areas, planting … be done at such a time so that young plants are not damaged by late frost.

a) is

b) has

c) must

20. Best quality tubers …obtained when seed potatoes was harvested in late autumn.

a) were

b) are

c) have

21. Potato tubers will keep better if they are … to remain on the ground after digging for 1 or 2 hours.

a) allow

b) allowed

c) allowing

22. There are herbicides that should not … placed on the surface of the soil.

a) be

b) are

c) to be

23. At what stage … better?

a) weeds are controlled

b) are weeds controlled

c) are controlled weeds

24. No herbicides are effective unless they … applied in proper rates.

a) are

b) was

c) had

25. Under no-plough system a greater amount of chemicals … needed to control weeds.

a) will have

b) will be

c) will do






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