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Роль і місце нормування праці в ринковій економіці

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 565

A. The purpose of the work

1.1. To study the main types of uncertainties of the results of indirect measurements of physical quantities, a methodology for assessing the uncertainty of type A and type B.

1.2. As a result of an experiment to evaluate the uncertainty of the amplitude coefficient type A and type B (to define a standard, and the total extended uncertainty).

2.Key positions

2.1 Initial data for calculation of H A Type A statistical series are measured input variables: {x q} (where q = 1, ..., m). Standard uncertainty of type A of indirect measurements of PV is determined according to expression (2) and (3).

2.2 The overall standard uncertainty (H c A) in the case of uncorrelated estimates of indirect measurements of ejection fraction determined by the formula (4).

2.3 Assessment of the uncertainty of indirect measurements of type B (H Su) in the case of uncorrelated estimates x 1, ..., x m is given by (13).

2.4 In the case of correlated estimates of the calculations are performed using the formula (5).

2.5 The resulting standard uncertainty is determined by H and H with A to B by the formula (14).

The expanded uncertainty of 2.6 H p is given by multiplying the resulting standard uncertainty of the measurement result by k (equation (15)), where k - enrollment ratio (numerical factor used as a multiplier when combined standard uncertainty for the expanded uncertainty). To this end, enrollment ratio k in accordance with the expression:


where v eff - the effective number of degrees of freedom, defined by the formula:


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