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Перегук віків

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 642

Внешний вид Прозрачная жидкость из двух компонентов: отвердителя и основы.
Плотность, кг/дм3 0,96
Вязкость по ВЗ-4, сек 20-30
Сухой остаток, не менее %
Соотношение компонентов при смешивании (основа:отвердитель) объему 100:50
Расход, л/м2 0,1-0,15
Температура нанесения, °С +5°С до +30°С
Жизнеспособность, мин
Время сушки до отлипа После отверждения 3-4
Внешний вид пленки Полуглянцевый
Толщина покрытия при двухслойном нанесении, мкм не менее 50-70
Окончательное время отверждения, суток
Температура эксплуатации, °С -60°С +100°С



*Техническое описание, составлено исходя из лабораторных испытаний и практического применения, однако его нужно рассматривать как типовое. В случае каких-либо сомнений по применению материала на планируемом объекте просим связаться с нашими специалистами или официальным представителем нашей компании в Вашем регионе. Производитель оставляет за собой право изменять техническое описания в связи с дальнейшими испытаниями и накоплением опыта применения материала.






Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary.


The end of the Cold War has brought a clear turning point for NATO. First, the nature of risks and potential threats has changed radically. Second, NATO has been going through a process of adaptation, adding to its traditional common defense functions new collective security functions.

It is clear that the alliance's transition process is far from over yet, and a key step forward will have to be made with the adoption of a new strategic concept.

The principles of basic human rights, international law and multilateral action, in the spirit of the United Nations, must be combined to make NATO a collective force of stability and security.

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Basic human rights; a transition process (period); common defense; a turning point; a multilateral action; a concept; collective security; a threat; an adoption.

Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Reproduce the sentences from the article with them.

Концепция; поворотный момент; переходный период; основные права человека; совместная оборона; совместные операции; коллек­тивная безопасность; принятие (концепции); угроза.

Answer the questions using the active vocabulary.

1) What did the end of the Cold War bring to NATO?

2) What has changed in the world that makes NATO go through a process of adaptation?

3) What new functions does NATO have to add?

4) What principles should NATO be based on to make itself a collective force of stability and security?



Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary.


The European Union had to adopt a strategy towards democratic and institutional reform in Russia, said Germany's foreign minister yesterday.

Speaking after the meeting with the Russian foreign minister, he said that the "main point" of a fresh EU strategy towards Moscow would be "the development of long-term, lasting structures."

He also said that the EU would play an increasing role in helping develop democratic structures in Russia, as well as helping with building infrastructure, and in areas such as the development of legal systems.

The Russian foreign minister described the EU's plans as a "strong political signal."

He promised that Moscow would help drive forward the initiative.

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

To describe smb/smth as smth; to play/have a role in; long-term; I strategy/program; to urge; to develop democratic structures; an initiative.

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and \

Принять стратегию; охарактеризовать как; играть роль; долгосроч­ный; инициатива; настоятельно требовать/призывать; развивать де­мократические структуры.

Complete the following sentences using the active vocabulary.

1) The European Union has to adopt...

2) The EU is going to play an increasing ...

3) The new EU strategy towards Moscow will be ...

4) The Russian foreign minister described the EU's plans...


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