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Процедура (порядок) звільнення від відбування покарання у виді тримання у дисциплінарному батальйоні військовослужбовців

Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 584

6.1 Комиссар Отряда является руководящим должностным лицом Отряда, отвечающим за психологическую работу с бойцами отряда, т.е. является «душой» Отряда.

6.2 Комиссар Отряда:

- отвечает за психологический климат внутри Отряда;

- проводит различные мероприятия, направленные на сплочение Отряда, улучшение взаимоотношений между бойцами Отряда;

- распределяет совместно с Командиром и Комиссаром Отряда

бойцов Отряда для работы в лагерную смену;

- организует бойцов Отряда для подготовки различных мероприятий, кроме случаев, когда это возложено на других бойцов Отряда;

- собирает и хранит сценарии и фонограммы номеров Отряда.


First of all, I'd like to say that it's very hard to speak about myself because I have to analyze the traits of my character by myself but I'll try to .

I was born on the ... (day) of ... (month) in ... (year) in ... (city, town. I am lucky to be a student of the Higher State College of Communication because the atmosphere in my college is friendly, but at the same time creative and stimulating.

I have taken after my mother in character and in appearance. I am not very tall. I have blue eyes and fair curly hair. I never lose my temper and can control my feelings. I understand humor and appreciate it.

There is nothing I like better than to read an interesting book in the evenings. Literature means a lot in my life. It helps me to build up my character and the world outlook. Besides, I get a real joy playing tennis and hiking with my friends.

There are some things in my life which irritate me. For example, I can't stand overcrowded buses. And I hate getting up early.

I hope to get good knowledge and practical skills in my college. I am sure knowledge is the highest privilege of the day necessary to make my way in society.




If speaking about my family, I can say that it is not very large. I'm the only child in the family, so I have neither brothers nor sisters to share my secrets with.

I have both of my parents alive and I can enjoy honest and open relationship in my family. It is my parents who give me a good example to follow. I feel safe because the little world within my family is perfect.

My Mum, Olga Ivanovna, is forty years old. She works as a manager in a large firm. She is very careful and friendly. Mum is an out-going woman who enjoys talking and contacting with people.

My Dad is five years older than Mum, he is forty five. He is a rather tall and well built man with dark hair and blue eyes.

My parents are nice people but they are very different, you know. Dad is rather reserved, he likes being on his own. Mum is always calm and well-balanced and she never gets excited. Dad, on the other hand, easily gets angry. But he never raises his voice to shout at me.

My parents and me spend much time together and never get bored. We are fond of travelling and never miss a chance to visit some interesting place. We are a very friendly and happy family.


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